The topic for the morning session
of first day was “Listening to the Youth, Discerning the Spirit” with the speakers:
Mark Conrad Ravanzo (co-founder/CEO I am
MAD (Making a Difference https://www.facebook.com/IamMakingADifference/), Dingdong
Dantes III, Fr. Art Borja SJ (Clinical Psychologist, Spiritual Director and
Chaplain Xavier School), while the topic for the afternoon session of first day
was “Spiritual Encounters in Youth Sport” with the speakers: Maria Caterina
Cristina Lopa (Managing Director Girls Got Games Philippines http://girlsgotgame.ph/),
Sabrina Ongkiko (Educator), and Noli Ayo (Founder Mindanao Peace Games https://www.philstar.com/sports/2017/10/26/1752688/mindanao-peace-games-promoting-peace-women-empowerment).
The topic for the morning session
of the second day was “Media Education as Spiritual Formation” with the
speakers: Christian Esguerra (Journalist and News Anchor ABS-CBN Corporation)
and Ma. Angela B. Ureta, aOCarm (Former Executive Producer ABS-CBN News and
Current Affairs) while the topic for afternoon session of the second day was “Dialogue
within a Dialogue: Youth in a Pluralistic Society” with the speakers: Maria
Regina Tijumena (National Deputy Coordinator Indonesian Youth Catholic Charismatic
Renewal) and Fr. Yohanis Masneno, SVD (Executive Secretary Jacob’s Well Spiritual
The topic for the morning session
of the third day was “The Sacred in the Secular Space of the Youth” with the
speakers: Bonnie Williams (Junior Student of Religious and Philosophy Furman
University, Intern Freeman Foundation) and Sr. Anne-Marie Bos, O.Carm. (Academic
Staff Titus Brandsma Instituut, Nijmegen) while the afternoon session was reflection
of the International Academic Advisory Board Members: Fr. Eliseo R. Mercado,
OMI, Ph.D., Prof. Alfredo P. Co, Ph.D., Fr. Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM, Ph.D.,
Sr. Maria Anicia B. Co, RVM, Ph.D., Sr. Anne-Marie Bos, O.Carm. Ph.D.
There was book launching “Spiritual
of Companion (from the 17th Spirituality Forum)” and Living Flame 3
besides performance by the Indonesians.
The participants can interact
with each other through the Edmodo platform: https://www.edmodo.com/
It’s very good that the youth,
who do volunteer works amidst their full time work, shared their experiences
and the guides gave a response during each session. It was a very insightful forum. Thank you very much!
Here is the link of the pictures:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/11848830@N02/albums/72157699842936785 and the link on ISA website: https://isa.org.ph/isa-holds-spirituality-forum-on-youth/
Hong Kong, Aug 5, 2018
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati,
Let’s do
simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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