Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Letter 2023

 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, 

Christmas greetings from Maryknoll-New York!

    How is your Christmas celebration?  Hopefully all of you have a very nice Christmas celebration with family and friends.

We had holiday party with all staffs last December 12 and with our sisters at Maryknoll Sisters Center: morning prayer, carolling, evening Mass and party.  

I continue to teach online Putonghua Marriage Preparation Program, visit our sisters in our home care, open Love Cafe to celebrate the life and missionary journey of our sisters and donate platelet besides working as Treasurer  

Thank you very much for your generous gifts, love and prayers during 2023!   I do appreciate it.

 ...Grace is the best Christmas gift we always get to give to those who think differently than us, who look differently than us, those who are our neighbors, our enemies, our families.  We get grace this Christmas—& we get to give Grace this Christmas. Grace isn’t a soft, feeble gift, but the most robust, transformative gift of all.  And to get grace & give grace? This is finding the Christmas we not only always dreamed of finding—it’s the Christmas we always deeply need.  (Ann Voskamp)

Maryknoll-NY, December 24th, 2023

With love and prayers,


Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.

Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible

P.S. Please click on the picture to make it bigger view

Ministry in China 2012-2022

Monday, July 3, 2023

Sharing: New Assignment

I got the invitation letter from our Congregational Leadership Team (CLT) to be the Treasurer (starting Jul 1, 2023 for 6 years term) last Good Friday 2022 (Indonesian time) .  After prayerful discernment and with the support of our region and my spiritual director, I peacefully decided to exercise my vow of obedience.  As our foundress Mother Mary Joseph said, “let us go together and see what God has in store for us.” God bent my road to China so I returned to Center, then God bent my road to HKG so I was home and it seems that God was bending my road to China and back to the Center once again to do Congregational Service (CS).   I know it is a very big responsibility but I am open and willing to learn.

During my extended renewal at our Center, whenever a sister ask about doing CS, I said I will open to do it in 2026 after my next renewal as I still want to continue my offline ministry in China.  As I get more questions before I left, I asked Sr. Betty Ann about it and she said if I still have meaningful ministry, staying in mission so I said CLT usually will say we are needed at the Center, so she asked how long I have been in mission, I said 15 years (It supposes to be 12 years in mission, 15 years in Maryknoll),  she didn't say more about it.  

I took a course on Tax Brevet A (equivalent) in 1997, 150 hours of Comprehensive Finance and Accounting Course in 2004-2005, Money Mastery Boot Camp, and Mandarin for Professionals Course both  in 2005 besides many workshops and seminars for better career but then I resigned as a branch manager of a logistics company to discern for religious life.  A totally different path as I had been sending several applications for better job since Oct 2004 besides I was still working on my Master degree in Financial Management.   I didn’t mind when our finance director gave my last salary and benefit without the recommendation letter (just in case I would be back to work) as I was not thinking to look for a new job.  I got a title “M.M.” (Master’s Degree of Management) upon graduation in Nov 2006.    By Aug 2007, I could use “M.M.” as a (candidate) Maryknoll Missioner!   

I arrived New York on Oct 5, 2022 and started orientation to be the Treasurer around two weeks later.  Our outgoing Treasurer Sr. Darlene (with corsage on pictures) and team has been very helpful during the orientation.  I am grateful that God gave me the grace to say “yes”: to continue my career path (without sending application and job interview) plus Pink Suite with Love Cafe.  I am also grateful to our CLT for their trust and our sisters for their supports.

My first day as a Treasurer was Saturday so it’s a day off.  I decorated my office with my pig (the remaining of my declutering mode-still on) and pink stuffs.   I also share the pink chocolate from Sr. Aprilia in the office.   

My Hb is too low to donate platelet on Jul 2.  It’s my third attempt to donate platelet since my first whole blood donation last Jun 3.

It’s the 13th death anniversary of my beloved father on Jul 3.  We (Treasury and Human Resource Department) have donuts (besides flowers and card) to celebrate my first day at the office.  Later in the afternoon, I received the flowers and chocolate from Fr. Brian.  At the end of my first full day in the office on Jul 3, I agree with Socrates, “The more you know, the more you know you don't know” so I need to ask Sr. Darlene.  Glad that she is still around. One day at a time.  

The forth day is Jul 4 so it’s a holiday.  Happy fourth of July!

Please continue to pray for me as I assume this very big responsibility.  Thank you very much for all your supports and prayers.

Ossining-New York, Jul 3, 2023


Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.

Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sharing: 2023 Online Putonghua Marriage Preparation Program (updated on Jan 6, 2024)






4、在听课过程中学习到责任的意义,组成一个家庭需要对自己和对对方负责人,自己未来有自己的小孩,要对孩子的抚养教育负责任,要让自己变得更成熟,做好家庭角色,承担相应责任。(林恩登及林婉婷, 2023年1月15日)




最后,我们诚挚的邀请黄修女在年底有时间能来参加我们的婚礼,并谢谢您对我们婚姻的帮助 (曾伟豪张莹莹 2023年326日)




非常值得分享的课程。最后再一次由衷的感谢黄修女您对我们的辅导 (黄文杰及陈金恋,2023年4月16日)


首先要感谢黄修女在百忙之中为我们做的这次婚前辅导,通过这次的婚前辅导,让我了解到要开始一段婚姻并不是简单草率的事情,是需要双方在建立稳定关系且相互一心长久陪伴才可踏入的过程。然而在一段漫长的婚姻道路上,彼此会遇到许多问题,关键是需要双方可以有足够的沟通交流。一个富有的人,不是体现在物质上,是精神富有,家庭富有,感情富有,在这次婚前辅导不但学习了两个人在相处中遇到问题如何解决,还学会了孩子的教育,父亲应该付出跟多时间到家庭等。两个人步入婚姻是很神圣的事,随意应该更好好珍惜 、互帮互助、 互相理解!(郑东耿及陈燕君, 2023年5月28日)



心中有信仰,遵从教会的诫命。 (祝卓文及郑龙志, 2023年6月18日)






感恩通过婚前辅导让我们对婚姻有更深的认识,培训中通过授课,互动,看影片等多元的方式了解教会对婚姻圣事的重视及诠释,对树立正确的婚姻观,及夫妻如何在婚后保持良好沟通,家庭财政预算,亲子关系等诸多方面都有了更深入的了解。感谢天主如此爱着我们,也感谢黄修女辛苦授课及陪伴。此次培训我们充满喜乐及收获满满。(缪航艺及黄立娥, 2023年6月29日)

黄修女的婚前辅导让我们更了解婚姻的重要性和神圣性,过程中从婚前的讲解到婚后的生活跟子女的教育,以减少矛盾、减少磨擦,避免很多错误的选择。另外观看影片后的总结也让我们更了解彼此的想法,让我们共同成长。非常感谢黄修女的婚前辅导让我们更了解婚姻的意义。(陈振业及谢凯旋, 2023 年7 月 31 日)





       同时我们也学习了教会内婚姻流程,婚姻是一件圣事,一辈子的交付,我们许下彼此终生盟誓,也希望我们的婚姻在天主的见证下更加幸福美满,也感谢黄修女这两天的辅导。 (豆海龙黄妙珊2023年10月22日





3.孩子教育哺养,有关于对于生育下一代的认识,然后小孩如何教育,作为父母的需要有责任感。 (周翔洲徐晶晶2023年11月5日






我们上完辅导课之后认识到婚姻是神圣的,同时也知道了要如何去更好的过婚姻生活,彼此付出彼此牺牲,两个人一起是为了让对方快乐,不是让自己快乐,只有让对方快乐了自己才能更加快乐,也学习了对未来孩子的辅导教育方式,也知道了这是一条长路,在主的爱内需要彼此不断学习共同进步,坚定信仰,以信仰天主为核心组成一个幸福美满的家庭。(黄裕达及邱曼纯, 2023年12月30日)