went to “Pusat Spiritualitas Girisonta” (=Girisonta Spirituality Center http://puspitaprovindo.blogspot.com/) for a retreat on July 8, 2015. Before leaving for my come and see with
Maryknoll Sisters Philippines in 2007, I wished to have a retreat with Fr. Darminto,
SJ after the “come and see” with Maryknoll Sisters to discern which congregation
should I apply as I visited several congregations in 2006. I decided to apply to Maryknoll Sisters during my “come and see” so I
cancelled the planning to have retreat with him. Since I am staying longer in Indonesia this
year, I decided to ask Fr. Darminto to lead the retreat and he said he would be
Darminto asked me to pray on Mat 28: 16-20, Ef 2: 11-12, Ef 4: 1-16, Kol 1:
3-23, Kol 2:6-15, Luk 1: 26-38, Luk 1: 39-56, Luk 2: 1-20, Mzm 33, II Kor, II
Tes 3: 1-18 besides read the Declaration “Dominus Iesus” on the Unicity and Salvific
Universality of Jesus Christ and the Church by Congregation for the Doctrine of
the Faith (http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20000806_dominus-iesus_en.html)
and “Rejoice!” a letter from Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and
Societies of Apostolic Life to consecrated men and women from the teachings of
Pope Francis (http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccscrlife/documents/rc_con_ccscrlife_doc_20140202_rallegratevi-lettera-consacrati_en.html)
I usually
attended the daily Mass at Emmaus chapel with the retired community and attended Mass of the Novitiate and Emmaus Community on Thursday and adoration on Saturday evening at Primus Domus

year retreat helped me to be confirmed again in continueing my vocation journey
with Maryknoll Sisters. I was moved when
I thought about the reason to stay. It’s
the memorial for Martyr Saints of China Leo Mangin, SJ, Paul Denn, SJ, Remy
Isore, SJ and Modeste Andlauer, SJ for the Jesuits on July 9, 2015 (according to the liturgical
calender, it’s an optional memorial of Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and his
119 companions, Martyr Saints of China) and the main theme of the readings were“being called and sent.” I
didn’t checked the liturgical calender before setting the date for the retreat,
what a holy coincidence!
It’s a blessing that I can fulfill
my wish to have a retreat with Fr. Darminto since 8 years ago before applying
for reflection phase, visiting Marian Shrine at Ambarawa with the 42m Marian statue (http://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20150815214059-20-72411/di-semarang-patung-bunda-maria-tertinggi-se-asia-tenggara/)
, staying with Fransiscan sisters Ambarawa including going to a wake of a young
Catholics, visiting Fransiscan sisters Salatiga, meeting Sr. Petra, SS.CC (whom
I met in the Philippines in 2007), Fr. Cahyo, SJ, Fr. Nano, SJ, several JMJ
sisters and three seminarians besides getting a blessing from Cardinal Julius Darmaatmadja.
Jombang, July 31, 2015
Sr. Anastasia
B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do
simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible