I attended the Open Day of Correctional Services Department Staff Training Institute on March 18, 2017.

The Staff Training Institute is responsible for planning and implementing training programmes to equip staff with relevant knowledge to fulfill the Vision, Mission and Values of the Department. Newly-recruited Officers and Assistant Officers have to undergo 26-week and 23-week basic training respectively including field placement at correctional institutions. Development training courses such as refresher courses, specialist training courses and command courses are regularly conducted at the institute to foster staff’s personal effectiveness and help their career development. Scenario training and situational analysis are emphasised in staff training. To promote self-enhancement and life-long learning culture, CSD provides a wide variety of self-learning resources. A Knowledge Management System (KMS) has been established to strengthen e-learning since 2010. (http://www.csd.gov.hk/english/about/abt.shtml)

There was an opening ceremony, video about the training, virtual experience, game booth, news about NGO activities, equipment training display, vocational training display, information regarding changing name from Prison to Institution 35th Anniversary, Dramatic way in touring the museum, New and old uniform display and action show including marching band.
Hong Kong, April 19, 2017
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible