I left for Jilin on Nov 8, 2017 by direct flight from Shenzhen around 6 hours. Fr. Xu senior picked me up at the airport and then we went to the seminary by car.
There are 53 seminarians from 17 dioceses and CDD in the seminary. Two of them were at the workshop in Hong Kong 3 years ago).
Fr. Qian, the rector of the seminary, showed me around the seminary and introduced me to several guest priests and sisters, who are teaching in the seminary.
I edited the power point presentation on “Evolution and the Primacy of Love” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yk-a66swN8 ) and translated it into Chinese so I asked Sr. Martha, an alumnae of Maryknoll China Project who is working in the seminary, to edit part of it.
Fr. James, MM celebrated the English Mass on Saturday morning and then taught English classes for the seminarians. I met two Korean sisters, who are studying Chinese at Beihua University and teaching Korea language at the seminary. Fr. Qian showed me the Jilin Meteorite Museum (http://beijing-travels.com/attractions/jilin/jilin/meteorite_museum.html) and invited me to eat the specialty of northeast “jiaozi”. Br. Joe, MM came to the seminary Saturday morning to teach English in the morning and went back in afternoon to visit me. Ms. Wang Wei invited me for hot pot dinner.

Fr. Wang and Fr. Qian brought Sr. Wen and me to the train station as we would take the same train. Seminarian Roger, who was at the workshop in Hong Kong 3 years ago and graduated this year, picked me up at Changchun station. We had lunch with Fr. Bai, alumnae of Maryknoll China Project, and several youths. I had a chance to share my vocation story with them. I attended the English Mass at Changchun Cathedral, which was celebrated by Fr. Brian, MM. There were three Indonesian university students attending the Mass. After Mass, Ms. Yin, the leader of the Catholic youth, accompanied me at the rectory and shared her experiences as the leader of the group for the last three years. Seminarian Roger accompanied me to the train station after treated me for dinner.
Deacon Xu picked me up at the Shenyang train station and brought me to the convent of the Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary. Fr. Han celebrated Mass the next morning. He invited me to lunch with Fr. Li, who was at the workshop in Hong Kong three years ago and was ordained last August, and deacon Zhang. Deacons Xu, Teng and Qiao, who were at the workshop in Hong Kong three years ago and invited me for their priesthood ordination on Nov 15) accompanied me to move to the hotel near the Cathedral as arranged by the diocese and then went to Marshall Zhang’s Mansion (https://www.topchinatravel.com/china-attractions/marshal-zhang-mansion.htm) and had a local specialty dinner.
Deacon Xu asked Sr. Xi, studied in Taiwan with Maryknoll’s scholarship, to accompany me for the rest of my visit. We had a short visit to the seminary and convent and then went to Shenyang 9.18 Museum (https://www.topchinatravel.com/china-attractions/918-historical-museum.htm) and had lunch together. Fr. Shaun, MM invited Fr. Roger, Sr. Heidy (both are alumnae of Maryknoll China Project) and I for a BBQ dinner.
Archbishop Paul, alumnae of Maryknoll China Project, celebrated the priesthood ordination Mass of five deacons at the Shenyang Cathedral. The Cathedral was full, sit and stand, front and back. There were 89 priests concelebrated the Mass. Three of the newly ordained priests are the only child in the family and one of the three is a convert. I met Fr. Peter, MM before the Mass. I was moved during the sign of peace among the priests. Sr. Xi arranged me to sit on the aisle of the first row of the sisters' section. There was a buffet lunch at the basement of the Cathedral for the newly ordained
priests, their family, priests and guests, which was prepared by the parishioners.
Fr. Du and another Fr. Li, were at the workshop in Hong Kong three years ago and were ordained priest last August, visited me at the hotel.
Fr. Peter, MM invited Fr. Rodrigo, MM and I for dinner. Fr. Rodrigo, MM was not feeling well so he couldn’t join our dinner with Fr. Shaun and attend the ordination.
Archbishop Paul invited Fr. Peter and I to have breakfast outside after the daily Mass at the chapel. He just celebrated his 25 years of priesthood ordination so he gave us the rosary with his name.
Sr. Xi, Fr. Peter and I went to the convent to meet Sr. Fabian, alumnae of Maryknoll China Project and the Superior General of the Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary, and had lunch at the convent. Sr. Asisi drove us to the hotel to drop Fr. Peter and then went to the airport as I would return to Shenzhen.
I gave away books as usual. I am grateful for their warm welcome, hospitality, and the opportunity to meet and hear stories of so many people during this trip.
Here is the link of the pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11848830@N02/albums/72157688744360501
Hong Kong, November 21, 2017
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible