Got the quota of quarantine hotel on Jul 5 by Mr. Wilson, introduced by Br. William, besides prayers to St. Jude and Our Lady of Perpetual Help. He tried to get the quota manually (not using bots so it's free of charge) since Jun 21.
Long queue to show the self paid PCR test result and barcode of quarantine hotel reservation before registering for free PCR test. |
Arrived at Shenzhen Bay Border by taxi on Jul 12 around 8:10 AM as the first bus is only available after 9:30 AM. I went for self paid PCR test on Jul 11 around 8:30 AM and got the notification result by Jul 12 around 6:00 AM and printed it in color. |
Arrived at the hall with free Wifi and AC but no food is allowed around 9:20 AM to wait for PCR test. Many people stayed outside the hall. There is no food stall, only drink machine. |
The device will ring when the PCR test result is ready at the booth outside the hall. It rang around 11:50 AM. |
Got green wrist band to cross the border |
as my PCR test is negative. Upon entering China border we should show the black barcode with blue color on top. Free wifi is available but I only could submit my form using my cellphone internet. I had Covid-19 history so I got yellow on top and the staff manually printed the 4 pieces QR code sticker (for the sample bottle for free PCR test, authorization form, ID and ?). After doing the PCR test, submitted the authorization form and then showed the blue barcode and ID to the immigration staff. She only asked whether I was out of the country for the last 30 days. After passing the Xray for the luggages, showing the self paid PCR test and QR code sticker to the staff, exchanged the ID with the sticker for the bus according to the district of our final destination. All staffs at China border are wearing full hazmat including the cleaning service staffs.
One of the tallest building in Shenzhen from the bus window: China Resources Headquarters. |
The bus to Longgang District just left when I arrived at the waiting area around 1:10 PM. I got on the next bus around 3:00 PM. |
Arrived at a 3 star Denics Hotel, next to Longchang Park and booked by the district officials, around 4:20 PM. It's RMB 298/night for two single beds with TV, wifi, working desk and RMB 100/day for 3 meals/day and will be deducted accordingly if not take 3 meals/day. After getting spray and put our luggages on the XRay machine, we picked up a room number and went to our room. |
First supper at the hotel delivered with my ID. I decided to skip supper for the second days onwards. The reception usually sends the notification through wechat whenever the meals is ready to be picked up at the door of our room. There was several reminders through loudspeaker to return to our room on the day of our arrival. There are 2 pieces of N95 masks (to be used everytime we open the door) and termometer available in the room and a yellow garbage bin outside every room. They desinfect the hall 3 times a day and once more after the PCR test. They also collected sample from bedroom: pillow, toilet, door knob and cellphone for the PCR test on the 7th day. The hotel designated 1st and 2nd for offices, 3rd floor for staffs, 4th floor for quarantine from Hong Kong, and the rest of the building for quarantine from other countries with total more than 100 rooms.
Need to scan 4 QR codes to add the wechat of reception, medical team, mental health team, sleep monitoring team with online questionaire besides fill the printed form and send the picture of it to the medical team. Online Registration for PCR tests on day 2, 3, and 7 and then submit the QR code to medical team. The medical team sends reminder twice a day to send the temperature and if there is any symptom. |
Scan the QR code to get the barcode of health code from the provincial website with face recognition. I got red health code as I am still in quarantine. I need to send the health code to the wechat of district office staff of my apartment (belongs to a parishioner, free of charge since 2012).
Denics Hotel-Shenzhen, Jul 14, 2022
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M. (uploaded through vpn service)
Jul 19 AM: Got the release from quarantine letter together with breakfast. Later, the reception let me know that the Street Office Staff would arrange pick up around 1 pm.
Jul 19 PM: The car arrived around 1:20 pm. It's 7 seats car with full hazmat driver and there's full plastic separation between front seats and middle seats. A young woman, from Hong Kong who had been came to Shenzhen every 6 months, was my only companion. The driver dropped her first and then dropped me in front of my building around 50 minutes later. The driver helped me to contact the street office staff as I don't have China mobile number. I still need to take temperature twice a day.
Jul 20 AM: No water since early morning till around noon except around 30 minutes in the morning.
Jul 20 PM: The Street Office Staff came to let me know that I should not go out from my room, go to The Fourth People's Hospital by Jun 21 PM by taxi, should not take public bus and go home directly, shared her internet for a few minutes so I could ask somebody to lend me cellphone. She didn't let me to open my door so we talked through the window on my door. I asked her to bring down my garbage, she said she couldn't do it as she didn't bring gloves. Ms. Liang came to bring her old cellphone and sim card so I have internet. She and Ms. Sun cleaned up my room and prepare foods for my 3 days health monitoring at home last week. My health code was green with 72 hours sign.
Jul 21 11 AM: I went to the Fourth People's Hospital to get the PCR test for free.
Jul 21 PM: Got the negative PCR test result. My health code is green with 24 hours sign so I forward it to Street Office Staff and asked whether I can go out in the morning. She said yes and asked me to do the "One Day One (PCR) Test" on Jul 21-23.