Christmas greetings from Maryknoll-New York!
How is your Christmas celebration? Hopefully all of you have a very nice Christmas celebration with family and friends.
We had holiday party with all staffs last December 12 and with our sisters at Maryknoll Sisters Center: morning prayer, carolling, evening Mass and party.
I continue to teach online Putonghua Marriage Preparation Program, visit our sisters in our home care, open “Love Cafe” to celebrate the life and missionary journey of our sisters and donate platelet besides working as Treasurer
Thank you very much for your generous gifts, love and prayers during 2023! I do appreciate it.
...Grace is the best Christmas gift we always get to give to those who think differently than us, who look differently than us, those who are our neighbors, our enemies, our families. We get grace this Christmas—& we get to give Grace this Christmas. Grace isn’t a soft, feeble gift, but the most robust, transformative gift of all. And to get grace & give grace? This is finding the Christmas we not only always dreamed of finding—it’s the Christmas we always deeply need. (Ann Voskamp)
Maryknoll-NY, December 24th, 2023
With love and prayers,
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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