After the first profession of vows party, I was packing my luggage as I would leave home on August 10, 2009 afternoon for vacation. I placed all the cards and gifts in my closet as it was 2.30 a.m. when I went to bed. Fr. Lukas Batmomolin, SVD, Leonardus Suharno, SX, and I went to New York city accompanied by Fransiskus Santoso as I began my vacation, first to Philadelphia. We went to Atlantic City after supper. Fr. Lukas and I stayed at tante Fina Welikin’s home and Harno stayed at tante Nina-om Yo’s home.
We picked up Fr. Abdon Mansurdi, SVD at airport and then went to SVD Bordertown on August 11, 2009. We met Br. Pat Hoggan, SVD who knew Sr. Mary Therese Connolly, MM in Taiwan. After that, we went to Princeton University, and then we had supper with several Indonesians including Fr. Ignatius Suparno, CM in a Chinese restaurant at my request. I got quotations “you will go to many places” and “you will go to many parties and gatherings” from the fortune cookies.
Since I never went to Niagara Falls, I quickly accepted tante Nina’s offering to go to Niagara Falls on August 12, 2009. We left on 3.30 a.m. and arrived at Niagara Falls around 11.30 a.m. There was a rainbow at Niagara Falls. A rainbow always reminds me that God keeps His promise. It’s my first time to see a rainbow again after 2 years in USA (Please read “Sharing: Summer 07 in New York”). We visited National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima which has a memorial for the unborn baby, on our way back home.
We went to “Love” park and going around downtown Philadelphia including the Cathedral before having an Indonesian meal on August 13, 2009. At first I asked Chinese food, as usual, but then I changed my mind since it’s easy to get an Indonesian meal in Philadelphia. After that we headed for Washington, DC area, ready for other adventures. We stayed at Nico-Julian-Lissy-Bernie’s home in Virginia.
We visited George Washington’s house at Mount Vernon, had a Chinese meal with Pak Irwan-tante Karmi and om Ho-tante Betty and then visited om Ho-tante Betty’s home for a cup of tea on August 14, 2009.
We ride a cruise from Georgetown-Alexandria-Georgetown and then had an Indonesian meal at Pak Irwan-tante Karmin’s home, where I met some Indonesians, on August 15, 2009.
National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes and picnic area of Cunningham Falls were our destination on August 16, 2009. I was asked to share about myself after attending Sunday mass with Indonesian Catholic Community of Washington DC area at Pak Tiesan-Bu Pipi’s home. Later, we went to Pak Nico-Bu Jinny-Elis-Monica-Patrick’s home, where we stayed for couple of days.
There was celebration of 64th Indonesian Independence Day at Indonesian Embassy with an Indonesian meal on August 17, 2009. I met my college-mate Ina Nasution and her baby after more than 15 years coincidencely. We went for a Holy Land of America tour at Franciscan Monastery and then visited National Shrine of Immaculate Conception, as well.
We had a Lancaster County PA's original Amish Farm Feast by eating made-from-scratch golden fried chicken, baked ham, real mashedpotatoes, chicken pot pie, etc. We had a tour in an Amish’s house, went around the market in Lancaster and then had supper at inner Harbor of Baltimore, on August 18, 2009.
Lurray Caverns, and then Car and Carriage Caravan Museum were our destination after the mass at St. Elizabeth Seton Church on August 19, 2009. I enjoyed another Asian food at Blue Pearl Buffet, and then we visited Gan Shu Sia, my senior high school friend, and also Pak Anton-Bu Erika Handono.
We visited Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Indonesian Embassy, National Cathedral, Arlington National Cemetery including watching the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers and then had an Indonesian meal at Satay Sarinah on August 20, 2009.
We visited US National Arboretum, United States Botanic Garden, Capitol Hill, Javawood USA, The Bureau of Engraving and Printing and then we ended the day with dinner at Peking Duck restaurant on August 21, 2009. There was a rainbow on our way to Peking Duck restaurant.
I couldn’t hold my tears when I left Washington DC on 22 August 2009. Saying goodbye always does not an easy thing to do. I arrived in New York City 2 hours late due to two accidents on the way so I couldn’t attend farewell party of Fransiskus Santoso. I had a nice conversation with a young pro lifer Anglican who used to work in China. I stayed at Jenny’s home.
We attended Sunday mass at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs and then went to La Guardia airport as Fransiskus will go to SVD College Epworth. Here is the link of the photos: http://www1.snapfish.com/share/p=363231251085936144/l=1846467002/g=15587910/otsc=SYE/otsi=SALB. We had an Indonesian meal at Queens and then went to Street Market at Manhattan as ko Jongky had a booth of batik and t-shirt. I went by train from Grand Central Station to Ossining and arrived home around 9.15 p.m.
I visited so many new places and met so many generous Indonesians for the first time. It’s really a privilege to have such a very nice and memorable two weeks of vacation. I enjoyed it very much as I was spoiled by so many people. As the rainbows appeared, I recalled that God keeps His promise “And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life” (Mat 19: 29) through so many generous people in my life. I am enriched by all of them and the experiences.
The quotation in a book mark of my breviary “There is nothing more astonishing than life, just as it is, nothing more miraculous than growth and change, just as revealed to us. And as happens so often when we stop to regard God’s work, there is nothing to do but wonder and thank God.” (Mother Mary Joseph, 1936) drew my attention as I ended my vacation.
Thank you very much for Fr. Lukas, Harno, Br. Pat Hoggan, tante Fina, tante Nina-om Yo, Fr. Suparno, Nico-Julian-Lissy-Bernie, tante Yani, Pak Irwan-tante Karmin, om Ho-tante Betty, Pak Tiesan-Bu Pipi-Stacey-Calvin-Justin-Chelsea, Pak Nico-Bu Jinny-Elis-Monica-Patrick, Sonny, Jenny, Fransiskus, Gisela-Pieter, Rini, Julianita, Agnes, Donna, and many others for your generosity. May God always continue to bless you.
Ossining-New York, September 1, 2009
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
We picked up Fr. Abdon Mansurdi, SVD at airport and then went to SVD Bordertown on August 11, 2009. We met Br. Pat Hoggan, SVD who knew Sr. Mary Therese Connolly, MM in Taiwan. After that, we went to Princeton University, and then we had supper with several Indonesians including Fr. Ignatius Suparno, CM in a Chinese restaurant at my request. I got quotations “you will go to many places” and “you will go to many parties and gatherings” from the fortune cookies.
Since I never went to Niagara Falls, I quickly accepted tante Nina’s offering to go to Niagara Falls on August 12, 2009. We left on 3.30 a.m. and arrived at Niagara Falls around 11.30 a.m. There was a rainbow at Niagara Falls. A rainbow always reminds me that God keeps His promise. It’s my first time to see a rainbow again after 2 years in USA (Please read “Sharing: Summer 07 in New York”). We visited National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima which has a memorial for the unborn baby, on our way back home.
We went to “Love” park and going around downtown Philadelphia including the Cathedral before having an Indonesian meal on August 13, 2009. At first I asked Chinese food, as usual, but then I changed my mind since it’s easy to get an Indonesian meal in Philadelphia. After that we headed for Washington, DC area, ready for other adventures. We stayed at Nico-Julian-Lissy-Bernie’s home in Virginia.
We visited George Washington’s house at Mount Vernon, had a Chinese meal with Pak Irwan-tante Karmi and om Ho-tante Betty and then visited om Ho-tante Betty’s home for a cup of tea on August 14, 2009.
We ride a cruise from Georgetown-Alexandria-Georgetown and then had an Indonesian meal at Pak Irwan-tante Karmin’s home, where I met some Indonesians, on August 15, 2009.
National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes and picnic area of Cunningham Falls were our destination on August 16, 2009. I was asked to share about myself after attending Sunday mass with Indonesian Catholic Community of Washington DC area at Pak Tiesan-Bu Pipi’s home. Later, we went to Pak Nico-Bu Jinny-Elis-Monica-Patrick’s home, where we stayed for couple of days.
There was celebration of 64th Indonesian Independence Day at Indonesian Embassy with an Indonesian meal on August 17, 2009. I met my college-mate Ina Nasution and her baby after more than 15 years coincidencely. We went for a Holy Land of America tour at Franciscan Monastery and then visited National Shrine of Immaculate Conception, as well.
We had a Lancaster County PA's original Amish Farm Feast by eating made-from-scratch golden fried chicken, baked ham, real mashedpotatoes, chicken pot pie, etc. We had a tour in an Amish’s house, went around the market in Lancaster and then had supper at inner Harbor of Baltimore, on August 18, 2009.
Lurray Caverns, and then Car and Carriage Caravan Museum were our destination after the mass at St. Elizabeth Seton Church on August 19, 2009. I enjoyed another Asian food at Blue Pearl Buffet, and then we visited Gan Shu Sia, my senior high school friend, and also Pak Anton-Bu Erika Handono.
We visited Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Indonesian Embassy, National Cathedral, Arlington National Cemetery including watching the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers and then had an Indonesian meal at Satay Sarinah on August 20, 2009.
We visited US National Arboretum, United States Botanic Garden, Capitol Hill, Javawood USA, The Bureau of Engraving and Printing and then we ended the day with dinner at Peking Duck restaurant on August 21, 2009. There was a rainbow on our way to Peking Duck restaurant.
I couldn’t hold my tears when I left Washington DC on 22 August 2009. Saying goodbye always does not an easy thing to do. I arrived in New York City 2 hours late due to two accidents on the way so I couldn’t attend farewell party of Fransiskus Santoso. I had a nice conversation with a young pro lifer Anglican who used to work in China. I stayed at Jenny’s home.
We attended Sunday mass at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs and then went to La Guardia airport as Fransiskus will go to SVD College Epworth. Here is the link of the photos: http://www1.snapfish.com/share/p=363231251085936144/l=1846467002/g=15587910/otsc=SYE/otsi=SALB. We had an Indonesian meal at Queens and then went to Street Market at Manhattan as ko Jongky had a booth of batik and t-shirt. I went by train from Grand Central Station to Ossining and arrived home around 9.15 p.m.
I visited so many new places and met so many generous Indonesians for the first time. It’s really a privilege to have such a very nice and memorable two weeks of vacation. I enjoyed it very much as I was spoiled by so many people. As the rainbows appeared, I recalled that God keeps His promise “And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life” (Mat 19: 29) through so many generous people in my life. I am enriched by all of them and the experiences.
The quotation in a book mark of my breviary “There is nothing more astonishing than life, just as it is, nothing more miraculous than growth and change, just as revealed to us. And as happens so often when we stop to regard God’s work, there is nothing to do but wonder and thank God.” (Mother Mary Joseph, 1936) drew my attention as I ended my vacation.
Thank you very much for Fr. Lukas, Harno, Br. Pat Hoggan, tante Fina, tante Nina-om Yo, Fr. Suparno, Nico-Julian-Lissy-Bernie, tante Yani, Pak Irwan-tante Karmin, om Ho-tante Betty, Pak Tiesan-Bu Pipi-Stacey-Calvin-Justin-Chelsea, Pak Nico-Bu Jinny-Elis-Monica-Patrick, Sonny, Jenny, Fransiskus, Gisela-Pieter, Rini, Julianita, Agnes, Donna, and many others for your generosity. May God always continue to bless you.
Ossining-New York, September 1, 2009
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
Thanks for sharing Sis....see how great Thou art...meeting so many good people!
ReplyDeleteI keep praying for your long journey!
In God's hands everything is possible and God has beutiful plan for us!
It sounds like you had a wonderful vacation and celebration of your profession! I wish I could have been there. We will have to get you back to Alexandria, Va, for some crab cakes another time! -Keiren O'Kelly
ReplyDelete@Fr.Harno:Thank you very much for your prayers.GBU.
ReplyDelete@Keiren:Yes, I had a wonderful vacation and celebration of my profession. I will let you know if I am in USA again to get the crab cakes.GBU.