sisters and I had our community retreat on Jan 26 – Feb 1 at Maryknoll Society
House in Stanley. Sr. Claudette LaVerdiere,
MM lead the retreat based on her newly published book “On the Threshold of the
Future: The life and Spirituality of Mother Mary Joseph Rogers, Founder of the
Maryknoll Sisters”. We had talks on
Presence of God, Contemplation and Action, Unity and Diversity, Individuality
and Common Good, Obedience, Nobility of Soul, and Ecce Ancilla Domini besides
the beginning correspondence history of Mother Mary Joseph and Fr. James A.
Walsh, MM. Fr. Bill Galvin, MM also gave
talks on the two founders of Maryknoll: Fr. James A. Walsh, MM, Fr. Thomas F. Price, MM, the author of Lend Me Your Hands,
the how-to-do-it Book for the lay apostolate: Fr. Bernard Meyer. MM, Fr. Francis
X. Ford, MM who started the mobile missionary apostolate of two-sister convent
system in Kaying-China in 1923, and Fr, John J. Considine, MM.
attended the talk of Sr. Claudette for the secondary school students and then
enjoyed the breakfast in the school canteen.
Hong Kong, April 30, 2012
Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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