Following all of the signs and with
the support of my sisters during our last Sep 2 meeting, I went to Holy Family Chapel
on Sep 8. Shenzhen is a special economic
zone http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shenzhen and also a special zone in church
territory as it’s not belongs to any diocese in mainland. There are two churches and several chapels in
Shenzhen managed by ten priests from different places e.g. Beijing, Shandong, and
Fr. Lu, from Handan Diocese, and
several children welcome me in the chapel and then accompanied me to check in
at the inn next door. Then Fr. Lu
teaches the children to sing for the Sunday morning Mass. Twelve children learned to sing 那双不看见的手(=Invisible Hands) from the video of a children
choir, who lost their parents during the flood in 1998 in Taiwan, http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTAyNjIxNg==.html while Fr. Lu
played the guitar. They also practiced
to sing 天父的花园(Father’s Flower Garden http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDI0OTkzNzUy.html) and then introduced
themselves in English as requested by Fr. Lu.
He also asked me to give a comment about them. I said in Mandarin that I am happy to know
and to be with them, who like to sing and they are cute.
A parishioner, Fr. Lu and I then had
supper before having Mandarin anticipated Sunday Mass at 8.00 pm. Mass was celebrated by Fr. Lu and Fr. Zhang,
who initiated this chapel when he was assigned at St. Anthony Church-Shenzhen
and moved back to Beijing several months ago.
The daily Mandarin Masses are at
7.45 am with prayer before and after the Mass in Chaozhou dialect and several
songs well prepared in power point including the order of the Mass in traditional
Chinese characters. After Mass, Fr. Lu
and I had breakfast with two parishioners and then went back to chapel. I checked out from the inn before leaving
with Fr. Lu and a parishioner to do a home visit. We had a homemade lunch together with another
three parishioners.
I went back to Hong Kong around 3.30
pm with promise to go back the next Saturday.
I am so grateful for the warm welcome and hospitality of Fr. Lu and the
parishioners. As one of the parishioners said “修女,感谢天主你能来这里“(Sister, Thanks be to God that you can come here), I also want to say
“Thanks be to God that I can start my outreach to mainland from Holy Family Chapel“
which is Mandarin speaking community and close to my Hong Kong community.
Hong Kong, September 14, 2012
Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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