was your Christmas and New Year celebration?
for me, I spent Christmas in Shenzhen and then went for a six days pilgrimage
with my sisters and friends to the early mission places of Maryknoll Sisters in
mainland China: Guilin, Wuzhou, and Jiangmen till Jan 1, 2013. I will write about the pilgrimage later.
I go regularly to Holy Family Chapel Shenzhen every week. My activities are attending the Mandarin
Masses, being with the parishioners either in chapel, in their homes or outing including
attending the other Churches feast day, praying with whoever needed and also visiting
a patient in the hospital besides enjoyed the visit of Sr. Norma, Sr. Maureen,
Sr. Arlene and Ms. Sharon.
There was a reflection day on the Year of Faith, which was
attended by around 80 parishioners including myself. It’s the
first reflection day in the chapel which was opened last July 2011. The reflection day was opened by
a prayer led by Fr. Lu and followed by playing games “the blind and the angel”,
everyone grouped in two: one as the blind and the other as the angel, the angel
led the blind (by covering the eyes) to go around the chapel. Several parishioners were asked to share
their experiences as either the blind or the angel. After the reflection read by Xiao Wu, there
was small group sharing and then big group sharing. The reflection day ended with singing “主啊!差遣我”(=Lord,
send me).
The chapel was full packed on Christmas Day Mass even
though it’s not public holiday. Fr. Lu delivered
his thank you note to all the parishioners who helped to prepare the Christmas
celebration. After lunch with Fr. Lu and several parishioners, I left for Hong
Kong as two friends from Jakarta and Xiamen were waiting at St. Paul Convent School
Chapel where the Indonesian Christmas party was held.
last but not the least, I want to thank you for all your support, love, hospitality, gift and
especially your prayers during this year and wish you:
Merry Christmas and Happy New
May God’s gift of His Son
fill you with peace, surround your heart with joy and shelter you with love in
Hong Kong, January 3, 2013
Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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