arrived at Maryknoll Society House Stanley with 3 priests on June 15 night,
while 8 priests arrived earlier than us.
They would attend the retreat at Maryknoll Society House Stanley on June
16-21. There were 17 priests attended the retreat.

retreat was started June 21 evening and was led by Fr. Pierre Lam, MEP, who is
the Vicar General and the spiritual
director of Holy Spirit Seminary Hong Kong.
assigned every priest to a small group of 4 or 5 priests, so there were 4
groups. Each group will take turn to be
responsible for chapel (celebrants, reader, leading the song, adoration,
morning and evening prayer: the office and Angelus) and for dining room
(leading prayer before and after meal, helping to wash the dishes and setting
up the dishes). Each group eat at the
same table during the retreat. It’s a
silent retreat with two conferences everyday, private sessions are available
during the day. I am also available as
an assistant spiritual director. One
priest met me twice and I ended the session with prayer together.
Pierre was the main celebrant on Friday because he should leave right after
conference on Saturday. He led the
adoration and reconciliation rite followed by sacrament of reconciliation in
the evening. There is an instrumental
music during meals.
the last conference on Saturday morning, all of them do appreciate this retreat
and wish there will be another retreat next year. They formed a group
chat to keep in contact. They expressed their gratitude for my help and
Maryknoll during Saturday Mass.
Joseph Lourdes found a new chasuble in one of our closet so I gave
away as a prize.
year Fr. Lu asked me to arrange a retreat for this year so I arranged this
retreat based on his schedule. Fr. Lu left Thursday morning as he got toothache
besides a commitment in the parish on Friday.
I just wonder and thank God for leading me to arrange this retreat for
more priests through the request of Fr. Lu even though he should left
early. It’s the second retreat for
priests that I arranged. Last year,
there were only 4 participants including Fr. Lu. It was also based on his request.
of them left Stanley on Saturday right after lunch, several of them went around
Hong Kong and stayed till Sunday morning.
Kong, June 25, 2014
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible