Srs. Fabian, Heidy, both alumnae of Maryknoll China
Priests and Sisters Program, and Anjia picked me up at Shenyang airport on June 8 late evening. It’s
around 3.5 hours flight from Shenzhen.
Sr. Heidy showed me around the building the next
morning. It’s a 5 floor building for
convent of the Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary, retreat house, vestment
production and nursing home. I went to
the Cathedral and one of the biggest wholesale stores in Shenyang before lunch and then to the
Seminary in the afternoon. It’s a 6
floor building.
I went to Fushun on June 10. It takes around 1 and a half hour from Shenyang to Fushun
for RMB. 12.00. Fr. Hu picked me up at Fushun
bus station. After lunch, we went to two
Churches and then to the convent of the Sisters of Sacred Heart of Jesus. Mgr.
Raymond Lane, MM and Sr. Veronica, MM founded this
congregation in 1941. There is a big picture of both them and statue of Our
Lady of Maryknoll in the entrance. I
had a chat with Srs. Bosco (alumnae) and Teresa, both are in the Leadership
Team, before joining their evening prayer, Mass and supper. Sr. Matthias (alumnae) asked me to introduce
myself to the community and then Sr. Bosco showed me around the compound:
convent, retreat house and farm (vegetables, pig, and chicken for their own
consumption). We visited the recreation
room of the novices and then had a chat with them including sharing my vocation
I went back to Shenyang
by bus on June 11 and then visited the Imperial Palace
of the Qing Dynasty in the afternoon. There was Farewell Mass and Dinner for
Fr. John. There were more than 10
concelebrants besides the seminarians, sisters, and members of English
community. Archbishop Paul was the main
Ms. Wang and I went to Changchun by train on June 12. It’s around 1 hour twenty minutes ride by
high speed train.
Archbishop Paul was the main celebrant for the
ordination of 3 deacons of Jilin Diocese. There were more than 65 concelebrants. The Church was full packed both the pews and
aisles. I met Sr. Martha (alumnae)
during lunch. I went to Jilin
seminary with the group, Cathedral and the light and water show at the river.
I met Sr. Wang of Sisters of Holy Family then went
to train station to catch the train to Changchun
airport as I would go back to Shenzhen.
It’s half a hour high speed train ride for RMB. 22.50.
I am grateful that finally I made the trip to
northeast China,
which was arranged by Fr. Brian. I was moved to experience how they appreciate
my visit. All of the communities wish
me to stay longer. The weather in Shenyang, Fushun and Jilin were not as hot and humid as Hong Kong; the meals
are different with the southern part of China; they use Putonghua for daily
conversation. When I woke up for the
first morning, it’s so bright outside, but the alarm on the table was still
4.30 a.m., I checked my cellphone and it’s 4.30 a.m!
Hong Kong,
June 20, 2014
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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