There were more than 50 primary school students attended the first part of the summer school, most of them were the students during last year summer school. They were divided to the small groups. The Church was converted to classroom by pulling the curtain in front of the altar. The classes begin at 9.30 am (the students should arrive at 9.00 am for registration followed by warming up) and end at 4.50 pm with lunch break at 12.00-1.30 pm and 10 minutes break after each class. Besides Fr. Lu, there were two sisters from Handan diocese, several youth as teachers and volunteers and myself helping the summer school. The children ate lunch box inside and outside the back room, then slept at the Church or watch movie at the back room or playing in front of the Church.
not easy to keep all the children to be quiet and neat including during meal. Several children were asked to stand in front
if they kept noisy. Several children
cried for several reasons. The children
cleaned the Church at the end of the day and then should recite 4-6 items of the
short catechism before going home. Fr. Lu
led the meetings after the class for all the team members. More than 10 youths, mostly university
students, helping as teachers and volunteers.
was a written exam for all students except the younger students and sacrament
of reconciliation for the students who would receive the First Communion on Aug
9 afternoon. Fr. Lu delivered closing
remark and distributed the gifts for the best students.
sisters taught about knowing ourselves, God’s love, etc. I taught “oral English” for 2 sessions, gave
bilingual overview of the movie “Letters to God” and game “music concert”. I taught Thanks be to God, Let us pray,
Praise the Lord-Alleluya, The Lord be with you-And also with your spirit, The
Sign of the Cross, Glory to the Father, and Our Father, which I taught last
year. I also taught Hail Mary and Nicene
Creed. During the classes, I asked several of them to
say either Our Father or Hail Mary, either alone or followed me and also asked
them to lead the opening and closing prayer.
The volunteers helped me, and all the sisters and teachers, to keep the
children quiet. Saying “Praise the
Lord” and waiting their “Alleluya” response usually helped to make them quiet
for a while.
Church (including the stair to fourth floor and back room) was full for Mass on
the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary.
Eight children who would receive First Communion sat in front row,
followed by the rest of the students. Fr.
Lu, Srs. Huang, Zhao, several parishioners and I went to Peng Cheng for lunch
and sightseeing at the beach. There was
an evening Mass at 8.00 pm followed by preparation meeting for the next youth

was moved to see “那双看不见的手” (=Invisible Hands,, which was sung
by the victims of the earthquake in Taiwan, and “Courageous” (
am very grateful for this opportunity to help wherever needed including
cleaning up and serving the meal. Fr. Lu expressed his gratitude for our help,
sisters and volunteers, during Masses.
is the link of the pictures:
Hong Kong, August 21, 2014
Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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