More than 40 volunteers
came for the first volunteer training of Holy Family Church on June 6
morning. Ms. Liang and Ms. Luo were
responsible at the registration table.
Our praise and worship team taught the song “为主来梦想“(Wei Zhu Lai Meng Xiang = Make a Dream for God, http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzk3NDM4Nzcy.html).
Fr. Lu gave the welcome note and led the opening prayer by singing “为主来梦想”

led the training with the theme “How to be an effective volunteer?” based on 8
Habits of Highly Effective People. I edited a little bit the power point of the program prepared by Fr. Bruno for a Putonghua workshop in Maryknoll
Stanley House Hong Kong. There was an activity,
Bible passage before mentioning each habit followed by small group discussion
and group report. My tutor helped me to add
the details of the activities on the power point so that it will be easier to
be understood than only listening to my instruction. I also asked one of them to
read the Bible passage. I read the Indonesian
version of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People more than 10 years ago and
I still need to remind myself to practice the habits. Details of each habits can be read at http://www.slideshare.net/nsziszo/the-7habitsofhighlyeffectivepeople,
had lunch break for around 45 minutes as there were still 6 habits in the
afternoon season. Fr. Lu gave the
summary including expressing his gratitude, as usual, for my initiative in
organizing this first training since the opening of the Church in July 31,
2011. I led the prayer followed by final
blessing by Fr. Lu. There were more than
20 volunteers at the end of the training as several of them had something else
to be done including going to work.
of the activities was drawing their dream about the future of Holy Family
Church so they were brought forward as one of the offering at the anticipated
Sunday Mass. Several volunteers were
volunteering for the Mass while the rest went home.
Hong Kong, June 10, 2015
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
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