I attended Sunday Masses at St. Aloysius
Gonzaga’s Church-Mojoagung, St. Yoseph's Church-Mojokerto (https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paroki_Santo_Yoseph_Mojokerto), St. Cornelius-Madiun (http://parokicorneliusmadiun.org/) including the farewell and
welcome Mass of their pastor led by Bishop of Surabaya Diocese Mgr. Vincentius,
the ordination of five priests at Cathedral Surabaya, Immaculate of Mary Church
Tulungagung, St. Vincentius a Paulo-Malang (http://keuskupan-malang.org/sejarah-paroki-langsep/) besides the prayer meeting of St.
Alloysius Gonzaga’S Church-Mojoagung. I
also attended wake and funeral two of our relatives besides celebrating my mother’s
and my sister’s birthday.
helped at the reception desk for the celebration of “Botho” at the worship
place of Budhism, Taoism and Confucianism “TITD Bo Hway Bio” Mojoagung.

really a time to
relax and
reconnect with families, relatives and friends and now I am ready to fly back
to Hong Kong with grateful heart to continue my mission.
Thank you very much for all your warm welcome, hospitality, gifts,
meals, sharing stories, and the
opportunity to pray together. May God
continue to bless all of you!
Jombang, September 7, 2015
Sr. Anastasia
B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do
simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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