Almost 20 volunteers attended
the second volunteer training of Holy Family Church on November 8 after Sunday Morning
Mass. Fr. Lu taught the song “请你告诉我该如何爱你“(Qing Ni Gao Su Wo Gai Ru He Ai Ni=Please tell me how
should I love You). Fr. Lu gave
the welcome note and led the opening prayer by sing “请你告诉我该如何爱你”
started the training by showing part of the first training survey result and
then gave presentation on “How to build together Holy Family Church?” I
edited part of presentation on “How to build a Parish together with
Parishioners” and “The Duty of a Catholics” by Ms. Yang Yu Lian for a Parish Management workshop in Maryknoll Stanley House Hong Kong. As usual, I asked the participants to read part
of the presentation.
lunch, we watched the washing of the feet ceremony by Pope Francis while
listening to John 13: 1-15 and then washed the next person’s feet and also pray
for her/him followed by a quiet reflection. There was small group sharing and report to
the whole group.
Fr. Lu gave the summary and gave a blessing. Two of
them brought forward the drawing of small group sharing as one of the offering at
the anticipated Sunday Mass. Several
volunteers were volunteering for the Mass while the rest went home.
participants will give presentation on “How to build together Holy Family
Church” in three different Masses on the following week end.
Hong Kong, November 12, 2015
Sr. Anastasia
B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do
simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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