Twenty three Chinese priests
and sisters, who are studying in several universities in USA, a Jesuit
seminarian and I attended the 2015 annual formation seminar “Urbanization: An
Opportunity for the Catholic Church in China.” It was organized by Maryknoll
China Seminary Teachers and Formation Project
on Dec 27, 2015 till Jan 2, 2016.

Fr. J. Loftus, CM opened his presentation with the
prediction that 70% of China population will live in the city by 2025 and the Pontifical
Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People Instruction “Erga
migrantes caritas Christi”
(The love of Christ towards migrants). He mentioned about the stake holders of
and looked at urbanization from the point of view of community, spirituality,
service/outreach and evangelization. There were several
sessions of small group sharing and the report to the big group about stake
holders on Maryknoll Japan Mission in Seattle, image for urbanization ministry,
the role of the sending and receiving
Church, suggestions for seminarian and sisters formation including our own urbanization
experiences. We also watched the
documentary about the fastest changing place on earth
New York, January 2, 2016
Sr. Anastasia
B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do
simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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