Happy Lunar New Year!
Selamat Hari Raya Imlek!
新年快乐, 身体健康,万事如意, 平安,喜乐!

I went to Shenzhen on the first day of Lunar New Year, just in time for the 求恩弥撒 (=qiu en mi sa/Petition Mass). The Churches in China usually celebrate 感恩弥撒(=gan en mi sa/Thanksgiving Mass) on the last day of the year and Petition Mass on the first day of the New Year. Fr. Lu gave general absolution because several (or many?) of them didn’t have time to go to Confession nor attend Sunday Masses. After Mass, Fr. Lu and our parish council leader Mr. Li distributed red envelopes of holy card and money for all parishioners: adults and children. There are more than 600 hundreds red envelopes were distributed. Many of our parishioners went to their home town but there were many newcomers so the Church was still full. http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2065264/chinas-massive-lunar-new-year-travel-rush-where-are-they-going

Not so many people attended the anticipated Sunday Mass and the Sunday Masses. There were so few cars on the street for the first week of New Year. One morning, there were only two passengers including myself on the bus. I celebrated the New Year and birthdays with Fr. Lu, seminarian Lin and the parishioners, mostly at their home.
Our daily Masses were changed to 9.00 a.m. during the first week of New Year so more people can attend it because it’s a long holiday for most of them.
I visited the inmates at Lo Wu Correctional Institution on the way back from Shenzhen on the six day of New Year and then visited the inmates at Tai Lam Centre for Women the next day.
I went back again to Shenzhen on eight day of New Year. There are so many cars on the street again. Our daily Masses are back to 7.45 a.m.
Fr. Lu, Mr. Guo, Mr. Xu and I visited fourteen sick and elderly parishioners on January 24, 2017 and brought fruits and red envelopes. They could receive Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion during the visit. The eldest parishioner was 102 years old man, who is still attending Sunday Masses in our Church and keeping our Sunday Mass booklets orderly. Fr. Lu and he sang several Latin songs. We also visited our parish council leader Mr. Li in his office.
Hong Kong, February 9, 2017
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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