Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
A man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for
the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world.
It was a perfect act. Mahatma Gandhi
Happy Easter! Selamat Hari Raya Paskah! 复活节快乐!
May the Risen Christ continue to bless us with joy and

There was long procession from ground floor to Holy Family Church at
second floor of the building on Palm Sunday morning mass. All the statues
were covered with purple cloths after Sunday evening Mass.
Church was full for the Holy Thursday Mass. After the Mass, the Blessed
Sacrament was reserved at the temporary small chapel. It was the meeting
room, which was cleared up and decorated to reserve the Blessed
Sacrament. Several parishioners, young and old, stayed till the next
morning and several other parishioners come and go for adoration in front of
the Blessed Sacrament since early Friday morning.

is a customs in mainland not to eat breakfast for Ash Wednesday and Good
Friday. The station of the Cross was held at 3.00 p.m. followed by
Liturgy of the Word, veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion. The
Blessed Sacrament was returned to the temporary small chapel after Holy Communion
and the altar was stripped again. The big Cross from Jerusalem, which was
donated from one of the parishioners, was placed in front of the altar after
the service. Several parishioners still
come and go for adoration till Saturday afternoon.
persons, adults and babies, were baptized during Easter Vigil Mass. When
the Fr. Lu sprinkled the holy water, the parishioners hold the snacks or fruits
or candies up to get the blessing. Everyone got an Easter egg and
every family can get a bottle of holy water as it’s the time to get a new holy
water. There were around 800 people attending the Easter vigil Mass.
parishioners got another Easter egg during Easter Sunday Mass. After having lunch, three youth and I visited
one of the youth in the hospital.
all about my Easter with parishioners of Holy Family Church Shenzhen. It
was a solemn Easter celebration.
Below are short updates about the last four months of 2017.
continue the Lenten Campaign at Holy Family Church Shenzhen by inviting the
parishioners to donate their Lent saving money in a plastic folder for our
charity works.
Sr. Anastasia Lott, MM. Attended both our Christmas party in Macau and regional meeting in
Hong Kong both in January.
attended the certificate presentation for the inmates of Stanley Prison, Correctional
Service Department Staff Training Institute Open Day ( and continuing to visit
inmates both in Lowu Correctional Institution and Tailam Center for
Women in Hong Kong.
also attended the Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) Annual PTA
Dinner besides share about my vocation and ministry stories with the students
during their visit to our convent.

enjoyed the visit of my younger sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Dobbs, Mr.
Hendrie and his son, Mrs. Rini, Srs. Louise Ellings, MM and Julia Schideler, MM.
New York, April 18, 2017
with love and prayer,
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love