Several volunteers and I organized the youth gathering on June 10 - 11, 2017 by going overnight to Huizhou. There were 47 youth including Fr. Lu, the volunteers and I.
We left after daily Mass by bus. It took around one and a half hours. Mr. Liu gave short introduction about our program and the Fr. Lu led the prayer and singing together.
My group lost during the game so we should eat biscuits with wasabi as the penalty. After settling down our room arrangement we had lunch at a nearby restaurant. Ms. Deng prepared the ambiance of our common room with several Mother Mary’s images including our Lady of Marykoll and then led the session on Mother Mary. There were presentations of each group about their group’s name related to Mother Mary and small group sharing. The names of the groups are Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Sheshan, Our Lady of China, Black Madonna, Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of Fatima. Our theme song was 公教青年 (=Catholic Youth), here is the link:
I helped several volunteers in preparing the barbeque for a while and then finishing the summary while several youth went to the beach. We started our barbeque dinner around 8.00 p.m. Several youth played card, sang karaoke, performed live music show, etc.
I went to the beach (again) to see the sunrise the next morning. After breakfast, Fr. Lu said the Trinity Sunday Mass. I gave the summary including asked Mr. Wu to read the letter about Private Revelation from Chancery of Hong Kong Diocese and gave away pendant of 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima from Our Lady of Fatima Church Cheng Chau – Hong Kong and several rosaries for those who could answer the questions about Mother Mary.
We went back to Shenzhen after having lunch at the nearby restaurant.
Here is the link of the pictures:
Hong Kong, June 16, 2017
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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