Fr. Wang of Christ the King Church asked me to lead the second Shenzhen Catholic Students’ Summer Camp on July 16-23, 2017 after asking recommendation from Fr. Lu. He knows that I organize youth gathering at Holy Family Church. At our first meeting, I asked Fr. Wang’s idea for the topic and he said he concerns about the news recently that several hotel/motel near the campus in Guangzhou is booked by the students during the week end so I asked him about “Love, Sex, Life and I” and he agreed. I wrote down the itinerary and asked him to download several videos.

Mr. Huang and Mr. Wu drove me to Christ the King Church to bring all the books and equipment for the summer camp on Jul 11. I went to Christ the King Church on Jul 15 and stayed until Jul 23.
I led the participants to do action songs while waiting for the supper on Jul 16. The pastor Fr. Shi gave his opening talk followed by opening prayer by Fr. Wang after supper. Fr. Shi informed the small group members as my criteria and Fr. Wang distributed the small group commitment paper. I led the ice breaking game, writing their hope, doing action song “爱使我们相聚在一起” and reflecting their gratitude.
The camp started with Eucharist at 7:30 a.m. followed by breakfast, prayer, two sessions, rosary and lunch. There are three sessions in the afternoon followed by evening prayer, supper and movie/sharing/performance/summary. There were around 40 participants (mostly staying in the Church, several came late/absent) and were divided into 5 small groups. Each small group take turn to responsible for the Church (lector, prayer of the faithful, leader for the rosary and evening prayer), Class (leader for the prayer, etc), Breakfast (serving the meals, washing the dishes and cleaning the floor), Lunch and Supper.
I delivered the topics: “Love, Sex, Life and I,” “Assertive Communication,” “8 Habits of Highly Effective People,” “The Influence of Internet” and “The Secret of Water”, Fr. Wang delivered the topic “Marriage and Family” and Fr. Shi delivered the topic “Introduction to the Bible.”
We watched the movie “One Liter of Tears” and “Courage” followed by sharing. The third day was a reflection day in silent. There was performance by each small group including the action song of Asian Youth Day 2017, which was taped and will be sent to the Asian Youth Day Organizer, on the Jul 21 evening.

We went to Rosary Church Luhe on Jul 22 and then went to the Grotto of Our Lady of Fatima Luhe for lunch, the way of the Cross and Mass. Fr. Shi, Fr. Wang and I gave the summary after supper. I shared my gratitude for the opportunity to lead this summer camp as it was my first time to lead a 5 days program. Early this year I wanted to organize Shenzhen Youth Day (actually only half day because our Church can't accommodate too many people for lunch) in our Church about "Love, Sex, Life and I" but it didn’t happen yet. God provides bigger than what I think!
We closed the summer camp by attending the Sunday Mass at Christ the King Church.
Here is the link to the video: https://youtu.be/S5_sgfqBc6s
Hong Kong, Jul 26, 2017
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible