Sr. Wang asked me to help with the youth gathering at Immaculate Conception Church last year but I didn’t say yes because she said it’s mostly junior high school. It may be more difficult for the younger age to understand my Putonghua. When she knew that I will help the Second Shenzhen Catholic Students’ Summer Camp, Sr. Wang asked me again to help their youth gathering. I think this is the sign from God that it’s the time to reach out more Chinese people. I proposed Jul 8 for their youth gathering and the theme would be “The Influence of Internet in our Life and Faith.” It was the fourth time I organized this theme.

Sr. Wang said there were around 30 people registered and mostly middle age. I visited Mrs. Yao, who was a parishioner at Holy Family Church but moved to Immaculate Church last year, before leading the gathering.
There were around 50 teenagers and adults attending the gathering. They asked me to speak in Cantonese because they thought it’s easier for me to speak Cantonese than Putonghua.
Hong Kong, July 11, 2017
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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