We had lunch at Zhuhai and the walked to the Gongbei Port of Entry. We stayed in a hotel near Our Lady of Fatima Church and a hotel near Cathedral except for two parishioners and I stayed in our convent.
We walked to St. Francis Xavier Church. The pastor Fr. Dedi, SCJ from Indonesia asked a parishioner to give an introduction to the Church after prayer together. 
Fr. Lu celebrated Mass at Cathedral for us followed by going to Ruin of St. Paul in a small group. We went back to the hall in the Cathedral for lunch, prepared by several volunteers.
We walked to Bishop Hill. Sr. Emma, OCSO gave an introduction about OCSO in Macau after finishing the prayer. Several parishioners wrote their prayer intention and several parishioners went to buy homemade cookies, religious articles, and T-shirt.

Here is the link of the pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/11848830@N02/albums/72157687469145020
Hong Kong, October 18, 2017
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible
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