Many of Single Catholics Group Chatting members are looking forward for Shenzhen O2O Gathering even before I organized the Guangzhou O2O Gathering. With the help of Ms. He, I organized the first Shenzhen O2O Gathering on May 26, 2019 afternoon at St. Therese of Lisieux Church.

I led the gathering with the prayer through Archangel Raphael, who arrange a marriage between Sarah and Tobit's son Tobias, from Tobit 3:17 followed by looking at a precious gift. Mr. Hou led the self introduction followed by my presentation about Love, Sex and Life. There was small group sharing followed by report to the group, group taking picture and dinner.
One of them brought sweet potatoes crispy at least a package for each one of us.
They appreciate the gathering as they meet new friends face to face besides the opportunity to learn. Since several of the members posted our pictures on their we chat wall so I also shared it temporarily on my social media.
Hong Kong, May 29, 2019
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s help each other to live less waste living for a better world.