Several days before Lunar New Year, one of the youth volunteers suggested me not to go to Shenzhen because their Hong Kong based employees weren’t allowed to go to Shenzhen due to Covid-19 outbreak. I said I would wait till Jan 24. There was an announcement that all Masses in Shenzhen is stopped starting Jan 24 so I decided not to go to Shenzhen.
Several days later Mrs. Liu, the coordinator of Luo Hu Hospital Volunteers, called me to ask to help at the supermarket to check the body temperature of the customers etc. Our community agrees that I go to Shenzhen to volunteer but the following day, there was news that the border maybe closed so one of our sisters suggested me not to go to Shenzhen. Mrs. Liu asked me twice when will I return to Shenzhen. She knows that I can arrange time to do voluntary work but she didn’t know my state of life.

We published a post about the closing of the Church and the outbreak: the situation, how to take care of ourselves and several prayers on Holy Family Church public domain: Unfortunately, it’s deleted unintentionally so we only can see the total reader from the re-post.
Here is the Novena for the outbreak: including Novena to St. Roch Total reader for first day is more than 6.800 but decrease each day to more than 2.300 for the last day.
I provided the information about patron saint of human trafficking and slavery St. Josephine Bakhita and for this link:
Several youth who attended marriage preparation program wrote their sharing after the end of the program. Here is the link:
I compile a list of religious movies and here are several of them in our public domain:

I prepared several questions to be reflected by our parishioners as they can’t go to Church: and here is the first sharing:
The Lowu border, which I usually go, was closed since February 4. There is a 14-day mandatory quarantine on all the people entering Hong Kong from the Mainland since February 7. There is still more pandemic patients in Hong Kong, the mask and other necessity is still not easy to get but we still have enough. One alumnae of MCS donated a bag of rice and one of Catholics nearby donated a box of mask. I am growing hydroponic vegetables. There are still many fresh food in the market.
Let’s continue to pray together for the ending of the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s heartbroken to see the struggles of the people both ill and healthy in facing this outbreak as it’s also hit their financial situation. St. Roch, pray for us, that we may be relieved from all diseases of body and soul.
Hong Kong, Feb 21, 2020
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let's help each other to live less waste living for a better world.
February 24, 2020
There are at least 4 Churches use Teng Xun Kai Hui to do live stream Mass including Holy Family Church.
Total participants for Jing Chang Zhi Bo Mass on Feb 23 evening was more than 100.000.
April 13, 2020
There are more priests broadcast live stream Masses including Pope Francis’ Masses during Holy Week so the participants of each Mass are less. (not more than 20,000)
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