Let's do simple things with simple love to make God's love visible. (Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.)
Monday, May 31, 2021
Poster: Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Mary (updated on Aug 26, 2023)
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Sharing: Training on Marriage Preparation Program (updated on Jun 17, 2021)
I shared the 22 talks of Fr. He about Sacrament of Matrimony in Canon Law to many group chatting and several people said it’s very good. Then, seminarian Lin asked me about the content for Marriage Preparation Program so I asked Ms. Sherman of The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council the booklet of Marriage Preparation Program. I met her during the workshop at Maryknoll Stanley House several years ago. She sent the e-booklet and offered a training for seminarians so I asked her to organize an online Putonghua training on Marriage Preparation Program for priests, sisters and seminarians.
Mr. Cai helped me to make the poster with the QR code of registration form as per attached picture. The training is organized on May 20, 27 and Jun 3 for total 12 hours. There are 16 sisters and 9 priests, from 11 dioceses, registered for the training. As Ms. Sherman said the maximum participant is 20 persons, I put 2 sisters on the list for the next training. More than half are referral from the priests and sisters who are in my group chatting.
There are 22 people attended the session on May 20. One sister can’t attend it due to internet problem, another sister attended it even though she didn’t register as she got the link of the 腾讯会议 from one of the priests. Ms. Sherman and Mr. Freeman led the training. By the end of the morning session, they are expressing their gratitude for the training as it's very helpful for their ministry.
Hong Kong, May 20, 2021
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible.
There are 14-16 people attended the session on May 27. Ms. Sherman, Mr. Freeman, Ms. Agnes (translated by Ms. Anna) led the training. The internet was not as good as last week.
There are 11-13 people attended the session on Jun 3. Ms, Anna led the training.
As there is a request to give more sessions, I invited Ms. Vanessa of Caritas Family Service to give talk on Billings Ovulation Method followed by watching the DVD "I do: Keys to Happy Marriage" and sharing my Marriage Preparation Program. There are 13-16 people attended the morning and afternoon session of Jun 8 and 7-8 people attended the morning season of Jun 17.
Monday, May 17, 2021
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Sharing: Rest in Your Love (My version of Canticle of Simeon, updated on May 5, 2024)
after attending the workshop in Cantonese, I want to re-write the Canticle of Simeon (Luk 2: 29-32) to prepare myself and others in facing death. I have been pondering the wording for several months and I woke up very early on May 6, 2021 and started to write a draft for a lyric.
Rest in Your Love
Traditional Chinese (translated by Ms. Lai Sau Fong and Fr. Joachim Li, SVD)
Kiswahili (translated by Sr. Esther Warioba, M.M.)
Pumzika katika upendo wako
Asante sana
Kwa kuniumba mtu muhimu
Kwa kunijali mimi
Kwa kunishikilia vizuri
Ninataka nikuone uso kwa uso
Kuweka Maisha yangu katika upendo wako
Nishikilie katika upendo wako
Niruhusu nipumzike katika upendo wako
Asante sana
Kwa neema yako kwangu
Kwa baraka zako kupitia wengine
Kwa huruma yako katika Maisha yangu
Asante sana
Kwa kuongoza njia zangu
Kwa kunipatia mahitaji yangu
Kwa kufariji moyo wangu
Spanish translated by Sr. Norma Pocasangre, M.M. and Fr. Gabriel Altamirano, MG
Descansar en tu amor
Muchas gracias
por haberme creado como un ser único
por tu cuidado que es paciencia infinita
por tu abrazo de amor.
Déjame ver tu rostro,
llene tu amor mi vida,
sea mi firme sostén
y mi descanso.
Muchas gracias
por el don de la existencia
por los otros que son tu bendición
por tu misericordia que es vida.
Muchas gracias
por ser la guía de mi camino,
la respuesta a lo que necesito,
el consuelo de mi corazón.
The music will be available later so temporarily can be read as a poem.
Hong Kong, May 6, 2021
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible.
1. I wrote my medical power of consent, prepared draft of the liturgy and part of the eulogy, registered for organ and bone marrow donor in Hong Kong and also have donated my body to New York Medical College https://www.nymc.edu/departments/academic-departments/graduate-school-of-biomedical-sciences/cell-biology/body-bequeathal-program/
2. Here is the link of the song by AI:
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Christmas g reetings from Maryknoll-New York! How is your Christmas celebration? Hopefully all...