Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Christmas greetings from Maryknoll-New York!

How is your Christmas celebration? Hopefully all of you have a lovely Christmas celebration with family and friends.
We had holidays party with all staffs last December 18 and with our sisters at Maryknoll Sisters Center: carolling, Masses and parties.
The tea party in Love Cafe is still continued mostly on saturday evening with menu an Indonesian dessert "Kolak":
I had retreat in Dubuque: with side visits to Epworth and Chicago:
Annual RCRI conference was held in Orlando so I had side visits to Charlotte, Jacksonville and Philadelphia:
Here is the pictures of several trips to New York City:
Hopefully I will make 12 times platelet donation by Dec 29, 2024:
Several coincidences that happened this year continue to be a reminder of Immanuel, God with us, in my journey as a Pink Maryknoll Sister.
Thank you very much for your generous gifts, love and prayers during 2024! I do appreciate it.
Maryknoll-NY, December 24th, 2024
With love and prayers,
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible

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