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Lihuan and I left Hong Kong on Aug 6 am as I will
help the 4th Guangzhou Diocese Summer Youth Camp. There were around 70 young adults, Catholics
and non-Catholics, attended this event besides the priests, sisters,
seminarians, and lay people as the facilitators. The participants came from Guangzhou,
Dongguan, Wuhan, and Hebei. The theme
for this year is “Trust in God, Do not be afraid!”
arriving retreat house of Chinese Sisters of Immaculate Conception Bolou, we settled
in our room and then attended the Mandarin Mass. The opening ceremony was held after dinner:
opening speech by Archbishop Gan and Fr. Joseph followed by ice breaking and
introduction. There were 8 groups of nine
group played games together, took turn to wash the dishes and performed on the
Performance Show: singing, dancing, etc.
We also picked up longan from the trees nearby.
sisters and two lay women prepared meals for all of us besides cleaning and
preparing the rooms before we arrived to make all the participants felt at home.
am so grateful that I could attend this event as my first intention was to help
here and there but then I also attended the classes. Of course, I learned a lot beside moved by
their faith sharing. Usually I would ask
whether their parents are Catholics, if not, how did they become Catholics.
After lunch on the last day, we went to Holy Cross
Church in Huizhou to attend Mass and then back to Guangzhou.
到了博罗公庄,我们安排房间然后弥撒。 吃晚饭后,有开幕:甘主教致词和彭神父发言, 然后破冰游戏所以同学们能互相认识。每九个学生在一个组。
每天早上我们一起祈祷然后吃早饭和热身游戏;吃午饭后我们休息然后热身游戏; 下午一起参加弥撒然后吃晚饭。每天上四节课:信德之门-甘主教,基督徒的信赖-陈神父,基督徒的祈祷-潘老师,基督徒的现世生活-王老师,九型人格“了解自己”-叶修女,基督徒与圣神-彭神父。每一个晚上有不一样的安排:第一个晚上:烛光祈祷,第二个晚上:户外拜苦路,第三个晚上联欢晚会。既是他们第三天早上才准备他们的表演,联欢晚会很精彩和很感动。神父,修女,修士和导师也表演:唱<<人人都应当知道>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGPNcD9VO-A&feature=youtu.be.
Hongkong, 30 Aug
Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
do simple things with simple love to make God’s love visible