Let's do simple things with simple love to make God's love visible. (Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.)
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Sharing: Dec 2019 Shenzhen O2O Gathering
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sharing: Shenzhen Volunteer
Becoming a Shenzhen Volunteer reminded me when Fr.Lu accompanied me to go to bus stop after our first meeting last August 30, he said “Start here”, and then pointed out a sign on the wall. https://anastasialindawatimm.blogspot.com/2012/09/sharing-first-week-end-in-shenzhen.html I started to help at Holy Family Church with broken Putonghua fresh from the language school then reach out to bigger Catholic community in China both by my physical and virtual presence and now, going out to the larger community with Indonesian accent Putonghua. I believe all of this is God’s providence for my mission in China.
Nov 26, 2019:
I have been doing volunteer work four time total 15 hours till today. During the last session, a guy asked me to accompany his mother, with heart problem, while he go out to buy something for his daughter and a woman asked me to help her to get tag number, see the doctor and pay the bill as she got dizzy while waiting her daughter in endoscopy room. I joined Luo Hu hospital and Shenzhen People’s Hospital Volunteer group and waiting approval to change from the Youth Group for Saving the Environment to another two hospital volunteer groups.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Sharing: Nov 2019 Puning O2O Gathering
Friday, November 1, 2019
Sharing: 2019 Maryknoll Sisters Asia Pacific World Section Meeting
Sr. Kathleen accompanied me to visit our Kamakura Convent on Oct 14, 2019 and then I went back to Kichijoji Convent. I attended Mass at St. Ignatius Church http://www.stignatius.jp/en/information/mass-schedule the next day and then met Ms. Grace, who is from Indonesia and work in Tokyo. Sr. Margaret accompanied me to go to St. Mary’s Cathedral https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Mary's_Cathedral,_Tokyo and St. Therese of Little Jesus on Oct 16-17 including attending the funeral mass of Fr. Michael.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Sharing: Marriage Preparation Program at Holy Family Church
Since then I develop a marriage preparation program starting with 8 hours and now 3 classes for total 15 hours. It usually held on Saturdays and Sundays 1-6 p.m for 1 -3 couples depend on their schedule. My Putonghua is not good enough to do all of the presentations so I also ask them to take turn to read it.
I edited power point of Marriage and Family workshop at Maryknoll House Stanley. Mr. Alan helped to translate the booklet “Living Catholic Stewardship: Faith and Finances” by Phil Lenahan. Copyright@2006 by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. The Marriage Preparation program also include several video clips, movie "Courageous" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70MVn1q-yyM&list=PLnVtdBK57pbMb4iU2VasacauZWDE54RSQ&index=3 , http://anastasialindawatimm.blogspot.com/2019/09/sharing-10-tips-mengelola-keuangan.html, sharing and games.
This year, I started to invite a couple to share their marriage life during the second session but I only could invite three times.
There are 14 couples attended the whole program and 6 couples still on the program since 2017. One of them married at Holy Family Church on Oct 1, 2019. There were three other celebrations that day: 70 years anniversary of PRC, Feast Day of St. Therese of Lisieux and 3rd year anniversary of my final vows. Several of them married at other Churches or at their home town Churches.
The program is opened for marriage couple too. One couple attended the program because their marriage is in difficulty. One couple attended the program because they think their marriage preparation program in other city was not enough.
There are several couples who have problem in their marriage even divorce civilly and several couples didn't have preparation of marriage program even didn't see the need to attend it so I raised my concern to Fr. Lu and parishioners about it and asked Fr. Lu to announce that sacrament of matrimony will be held after finishing the marriage preparation program.
Hong Kong, Oct 23, 2019
February 14, 2020:
对于这三次婚前辅导的感受,首先感谢天主赐给我们这个机会。在这三周里我们所读到的经文所看到的记录片段和修女详细讲解让我们深深明白和了解到天主教徒的婚姻意义所在,该用怎样的心怎样的态度面对婚姻,以及怎样在天主的爱里去对待妻子,孩子和家庭,明白到该以什么样的方式态度面对生活中各种各样的挑战。最后感恩天主给我们这次宝贵的学习经验也感谢修女的耐心讲解教导。(陈美仕及罗惠燕 , 2019年12月07日)
经过了婚前辅导课程,我们认识到了婚姻的神圣,家庭和谐的重要性,以及作为父母需要传承给子女信仰的使命感。夫妻合为一体,相互依靠扶持,是因着主最美好的祝福。通过这次的学习,我们更深的了解了彼此的心意,更是坚定了努力经营未来的婚姻生活的决心。最后感谢修女姐姐!(Kevin &Suzie夫妇, 2019年11月30日)
我们觉得圣教堂婚前辅导很好很受用:我们从中学到了两个人要互相理解要多点沟通、有事要一起分担互相商量;通过这三节课让我懂得了以前不是很认知的事情与道理完全明白,在家庭与生活中要相互的包容 节简家庭,做父亲与丈夫的责任 对孩子的重视教育与管教引导。(陈瑞娟及刘忠伟,2019年11月17日)
我们觉得圣家堂的婚前辅导是非常有用的课程,让我们了解到很多教会对婚姻的见解,以及夫妻之间相处之道。面对一些问题及矛盾的解决方法,家庭的重要性。这些都非常系统的给我们体现出来。给到一些简便的财务管理表格及方法,对我们婚后的整个家庭经济预算挺有参考作用的。让我们更加坚定对彼此的婚姻诺言,日后更加有智慧有耐心地度过婚姻生活。(Adam & Marella,2019年11月17日)
我们觉得婚前辅导的内容非常实用,令我们受益良多,通过游戏,文字,电影,音乐等多种方式,生动有趣的让我们学习了进入婚姻,组建家庭后,夫妻之间如何在天主的指导下幸福生活,如何融洽的相处,如何处理争吵和矛盾,如何科学养育子女,如何规划家庭财务,值得每一位教友婚前都来参与学习。(Kvass & Grace夫妇, 2019年8月5日)
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Christmas g reetings from Maryknoll-New York! How is your Christmas celebration? Hopefully all...