After thinking to do a social work for a while for a while, I registered to be a Shenzhen Volunteer ( through their mobile application to be in a Youth Group for Saving the Environment last September 2019. Shenzhen Volunteer has so many groups and volunteering works in schools, hospitals, libraries, etc. It’s opened for Chinese and foreigners. I was waiting for the volunteer card to start the voluntary work but then I found out that the card is available after 20 hours voluntary work and training.

As I posted our group picture on my We Chat wall at the end of the day, Ms. Wu and Mrs. Cheng said they were at Luo Hu hospital that day. Mrs. Cheng is accompanying her mother in law so I asked Ms. Wu to visit together on Nov 20, 2019. I also asked Ms. Wu to visit Mrs. Ye. I led a prayer for Mrs. Ye with her family member and Ms. Wu as she will have surgery the next day. I believe God led me to visit and pray for Mrs. Ye through my voluntary work because I talked with Mrs. Cheng on Nov 16 evening after Mass and she didn’t say that Mrs. Ye would be hospitalized the next day. Besides, Mrs. Ye asked Fr. Lu to say a Mass for her healing but Fr. Lu even asked me whom I would visit when I said I would go to hospital so I told him that I would do volunteer work.
Becoming a Shenzhen Volunteer reminded me when Fr.Lu accompanied me to go to bus stop after our first meeting last August 30, he said “Start here”, and then pointed out a sign on the wall. I started to help at Holy Family Church with broken Putonghua fresh from the language school then reach out to bigger Catholic community in China both by my physical and virtual presence and now, going out to the larger community with Indonesian accent Putonghua. I believe all of this is God’s providence for my mission in China.
Becoming a Shenzhen Volunteer reminded me when Fr.Lu accompanied me to go to bus stop after our first meeting last August 30, he said “Start here”, and then pointed out a sign on the wall. I started to help at Holy Family Church with broken Putonghua fresh from the language school then reach out to bigger Catholic community in China both by my physical and virtual presence and now, going out to the larger community with Indonesian accent Putonghua. I believe all of this is God’s providence for my mission in China.
Hong Kong, Nov 20, 2019
Sr. Anastasia B. Lindawati, M.M.
Let’s help each other to live less waste living for a better world.
Nov 26, 2019:
I have been doing volunteer work four time total 15 hours till today. During the last session, a guy asked me to accompany his mother, with heart problem, while he go out to buy something for his daughter and a woman asked me to help her to get tag number, see the doctor and pay the bill as she got dizzy while waiting her daughter in endoscopy room. I joined Luo Hu hospital and Shenzhen People’s Hospital Volunteer group and waiting approval to change from the Youth Group for Saving the Environment to another two hospital volunteer groups.

Nov 26, 2019:
I have been doing volunteer work four time total 15 hours till today. During the last session, a guy asked me to accompany his mother, with heart problem, while he go out to buy something for his daughter and a woman asked me to help her to get tag number, see the doctor and pay the bill as she got dizzy while waiting her daughter in endoscopy room. I joined Luo Hu hospital and Shenzhen People’s Hospital Volunteer group and waiting approval to change from the Youth Group for Saving the Environment to another two hospital volunteer groups.

When I was in Taiwan, I heard other foreigners speak Mandarin with a French or Italian accent. I never heard anyone speak it with a US accent. I suppose the others would say something similar.