1. equip Catholic faith to the youth (18-35 years old)
2. prepare the youth in evangelization mission
3. send the youth as mission team to Asia Pacific region
4. give life experience in Christian community
5. learn the meaning of community for evangelization
6. develop the youth leadership in Catholic church
I only prepared the airfare to go to Australia since all tuition was under school’s account. I knew APSE from Linda Manbait, a member of DOJ Bali whom I met when we had personal retreats at Daughter of Carmel Monastery Tumpang last December 2005. I sent the application form last January 2006 and asked references from Mrs. Judy Nuradi and Fr. Albertus Herwanta O.Carm. The confirmation to attend APSE 2006 was given March 2006 by Andrew Satrapa. I submitted the visa requested document upon receiving official invitation from APSE. I should submit a statement letter from Fr. Soni Keraf, SVD that I am the member of The Blessed Sacrament Parish Surabaya and got only one month visa.
When I was in Juanda airport Surabaya and Ngurah Rai airport Denpasar, my eyes were in tears when I realized that upon deciding to give up my comfortable job and starting my personal retreat to discern God’s will, I got chance to go to Australia. I met Tjiang, my senior high school mate, when I arrived in Denpasar and then met DOJ Bali members. Wawan, the coordinator of Indonesia APSE students, and I departed in the midnight by Garuda airways but Wawan landed at Melbourne.
I arrived at Sidney on April 27, 2006 and Andrew Satrapa checked on my bus departure from Sidney airport to Canberra. Eventually, I arrived at the Brady’s house which is located in Page-Belconnen and would be my homestay during the APSE.
In the next day, I walked around my homestay, visited St. Matthew Page Church and Missionaries of God’s Love sister’s convent (MGL, website: http://www.mglvocation.org/). I was touched and started to cry upon reading the preparation prayer for receiving the Holy Communion, together with Don who usually spends his time by cleaning St. Matthew Church. In the evening, I heard Mass (my second Mass in English) in St. Benedictus Narabundah Church. After Mass, there was a charismatic prayer session for the youth at Parish Centre which was led by Corey, MGL. I shared my experience during Holy Week 2006 at Daughter of Carmel Monastery Tumpang: when I saw Station of the Cross visualization, I thought that Jesus had done all things for my salvation, but why was it so difficult to dedicate my whole life, which is not mine, to God?
I heard Mass at St. Matthew Church on April 29, 2006 afternoon and then learned to make pizza for the first from Carmel Brady for our lunch with our neighbor. I read a Catholic Voice and some bulletins in the evening.
The Brady’s and I visited Telstra Tower on April 30, 2006 and went to Narabundah Church to attend the opening ceremony of APSE 2006. It was began with praise and worship and followed by a presentation by Peter Woods as APSE director. We were introduced to the audience : Wawan, Franky, Ardi, Monika and me from Indonesia; Alisi from Fiji; Tracey and Wesley from Papua New Guinea; Hil from the Philippines; Maralampuwi and Theodore from Tiwi Islands; David, Rosannah and Genna from Australia and also Katherine, MGL; Melanie, MGL; Albert, MGL and Jeffery, MGL. My feet were shaken when everybody prayed over us. Some MGL brothers and I picked up the sausage in the market and then attended barbeque party at Parish Centre.
When I ate the sausage, Therese, MGL told me that Fr. Ken Barker, MGL and herself decided to ask me to give a sharing in 7 p.m. (charismatic) Mass. At first, I refused it because I did not know what to share, I never gave a faith share and moreover it would be an English Mass. Finally, I agreed because she only asked to share what I had done. During the Mass, I prayed so that I could share for God’s enormous grace because “It is necessary that He increase, but that I decrease” (John 3: 30) and asked the Holy Spirit to inspire what I had to share. Fr. Ken, MGL’s sermon was about “the peace with you” which was repeated by Therese, MGL in the next sessions. After some prophetic words, I was called to share. I wore T-Shirt, sweater and jacket to minimize my shaking because of cold and stage nervousness. At first, my voice was shaken but finally, I could keep in a flowing story, about my reconciliation in 2004 after attending a Life in the Spirit Retreat at Daughter of Carmel Monastery Tumpang and my book “Counting the Blessings” which was published in January 2006 and the chance to attend APSE 2006 would add the list of the blessings from God.
The First Week of APSE 2006 There was an introduction regarding the APSE and between each participant which were guided by Therese, MGL and Daniel Foster on the first day. Therese, MGL said that it was not a coincidence that all of us were in APSE 2006 but it was God’s own plan.
Generally, we had Evangelization and Prayer sessions in the morning. The Evangelization sessions were given by Fr. Ken, MGL and mostly taken from Evangelii Nuntiadi and Redemptoris Missio, such as:
1. The reason to do evangelization: the need of salvation, the Great Commission, changing the world, a love for people who do not know God personally, and deepening the faith. God made Christ as the only way of salvation although people do not know Christ consciously. Church was created as an effective sign of salvation for everyone. People have right to know the truth, that is Christ himself (see John 14:6), the offering of a present which is God’s love that sets them free in Christ. People can be saved through another way by God’s mercy although we do not bring Good News to them
2. New Pentecost: the Holy Spirit is the principal agent of evangelization
3. New Evangelization: moving from Church as the center to Christ as the center
4. The process of evangelization: personal and community life witnesses, evangelization, heart changing, integrating with Christian community and being an evangelist. A person is not a real Catholic if he or she does not participate in evangelization.
5. The importance of a relationship
6. New community in the Church at this moment
7. Good News and the Culture: the importance of enculturation.
He also informed that 7 p.m. Mass had been moved several years ago from Canberra Cathedral Church to St. Benedict’s Parish which is managed by MGL. People, who cannot attend the Mass at normal schedule, can attend the Mass and in fact, it transformed some people. He told a story about people who learn anything about fishing but never go fishing just as people who learn anything about evangelization but never do an evangelization (I remembered my home visiting assignments from school of personal evangelization that I felt too heavy to do). The other story was about his first hands laid on which caused the youths rested in the Spirit and the calling to do street preaching by the MGLs.
The Prayer sessions were given by Judy, MGL including Prayer Method, Prayer Day, Reflection of Life, Lectio Divina and Praticing Intercession Prayer.
In the afternoon after the Mass and Adoration hour, there was a Life in the Spirit seminar for three days by DOJ members, such as Fr. Ken, MGL, Lara, Samuel, Fiona, Daniel, and Therese, MGL.
Carmel and I attended Joy’s birthday on May 2, 2006 and I was introduced to some of DOJ members including Brian, who had mission activities in Europe. I started to cry when I told him that I am in a discernment process and then Sharon calmed me down. At home, I was introduced to Jack, a friend of Hugh, who had learned Indonesian language during his college in France.
We took a cruise trip on May 3, 2006 evening with some of DOJ members, MGL brothers and sisters. The wind blew hard along the trip. Peter Woods asked me the possibility to hold APSE in Indonesia. In 2005, APSE was held in Wewak-Papua New Guinea.
We had the baptism in Spirit on May 4, 2006 after the dinner. There was praise and worship session and followed by penance sacrament. I was resting in the Spirit when Therese, MGL and Peter prayed over me.
We had barbeque at the yacht club with some of DOJ members on May 5, 2006.
The day after, Hugh invited Laurence’s family to have the pizza that he made. Laurence can speak Melayu language that is similar to Indonesian language. I did not finish my lunch because Therese, MGL had picked me up to have a tour around Canberra. We visited Old Parliament House, New Parliament House, Embassy Tent that belongs to the Aborigines in front of the Old Parliament House and Memorial War. After that, we visited Fiona’s house while we were waiting for dinner at Carolyn’s house.
The Brady’s and I attended DOJ gathering area at John Barr’s house and then heard 7 p.m. Mass at Narabundah on May 7, 2006. There were five APSE students who announced the night culture in our own languages: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Tiwi Islands, after that Therese, MGL translated it to English. I announced the place of the night culture. My eyes were glassy because of tears when there was a prophetic word regarding the vocation and the willingness to devote whole life to be changed by God. There was 7P cafe at parish centre that was only opened after 7 p.m. Mass and managed by the youth.
The second week of APSE
There were lessons about The Healing including its steps by Peter Woods and The Charismatic Gift by Costandi Bastoli for four days.
Costandi explained about:
1. The ligament of the Body of Christ is Love
2. The first calling is to be Christian
3. The Charismatic Gift to speech (prophetic words, speaking in tongue and interpret the Spirit language), to do (faith, healing and miracle) and also to know (to speak with wisdom, to speak with the knowledge and discern the Spirit). All are based on the Holy Bible (Rom 12: 1-8, I Pet 4: 7, Eph 4: 1-16 and I Cor: 12-14)
4. How to preach God’s love
5. The distinction between Baptism (to be a rabbi, a king and a prophet), Confirmation (to go and announce Good News) and Baptism in the Spirit (to lean on the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Spirit to posses ourselves wholly)
Besides, there was hands laid on some friends who had backache or shoulder ache and all of them were healed. We were given list of questions to know our Charismatic gifts.
After the Mass and Adoration hour, Therese, MGL, Daniel and Fiona gave a seminar about How to Hold Such Events (retreat, week end and camping) including practicing to share faith experience in three minutes. Fiona suggested have the faith experience draft so that we can share the experience anytime and anywhere.
During night culture there were presentations from the countries of APSE students. As Indonesia, we wore Balinese traditional clothes for the men and Flores traditional clothes for the women. Vincent, MGL was our master of ceremony and we danced a part of Kecak from Bali and Rokatenda from Flores. I presented movie “Borobudur” which was One of Seven Wonder World. We held quiz while waiting the preparation of the movie.
It was the prayer/healing day on May 10, 2006. We joined the retreat day which was held by Narabundah Parish and guided by parish priest Fr. Chris Ryan, MGL with the topic Living in the Victory of the Risen Christ from John 14: 6: Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me” There were teachings, Adoration hour and the chance to be prayed over by Costandi/Therese, MGL/Fiona. Costandi led the healing prayer. I was touched and cried when Costandi prayed over me.
Wawan, Ardi, Tracey and I helped Ellen to clean Narabundah Church on May 12, 2006 after lunch. After the evening Mass, there was A Salt and Light, a prayer session for the youth with the theme Freedom. Brian was the speaker and there were a drama, which was presented by Global Ministries (consists of youths from Singapore, El Salvador, Ecuador and Australia that would do mission to Europe for about four months), and faith experience sharings by APSE students David and Tracey.
Wawan, Franky, Ardi, Vincent, MGL, Matheus, MGL, Izak, MGL, Wens, MGL, and Wens, MGL heard the Indonesian community Mass on May 13, 2006 at Soepomo’s house. The Mass was said by Fr. Lourie Foote, OP and there were Indonesian foods. We went to Woden Plaza so we could see the crowd for the first in two weeks. Wawan, Franky and I waited at Red Hill MGL’s convent because we would attend Mother’s Day Mass near the convent. I helped Wens, MGL and Izak, MGL to cook Indonesian chicken soup.
I visited Hawker Shop on May 14, 2006. It was the nearest shopping complex to my homestay but it was quiet. There are no kiosks in Canberra, as in Indonesia, every regions has a shopping complex. After that, I heard the 7 pm Mass with Christ and Ni Luh at Narabundah.
Time moved so fast that I did not feel that APSE had run for 2 weeks.
The third week of APSE There were lessons about Catholic faith by Adrian Wellspring and The Culture by Fr. Daniel Benedetti, MGL for four days. While in the afternoon, we had seminars about Holding Such Events, Being Disciple by Judy, MGL and Leadership by Peter Woods.
Adrian informed about:
1. The Salvation (that consists of three periods of time which are have been saved by the Christ’s death and resurrection, is being saved by what is did daily and the last is will be saved by what have been done. Church is the normal way of Salvation)
2. The Holy Bible, which is the product of Life Church
3. The Magisterium
4. Holy Tradition
5. The Church (The One, Holy and Catholic)
6. The Sacraments
7. The Communion of Saints
8. Mother Mary ever virgin, Mother of God, was born without original sin and was lifted up to Heaven with her body and soul
9. Norms, Laws, Sins, Remorse, Penitence and Absolution
10. Heaven, Hell, Purgatory and the second coming of Jesus.
While Fr. Dan, MGL informed the importance of knowing the local culture in doing the mission, every culture is a gift of God, there was no ultimate culture and God loved all people from various cultures.
After trying to avoid lead the praise and worship in the first two weeks since I was not able to sing, finally I had to lead it on May 17, 2006. Therese, MGL said that being able to sing is not a mandatory in leading the praise and worship, because I could ask other to start the song. I asked Katherine, MGL to sing while I gave a sign and was accompanied by the members of St. Clare group: Rosannah, Wesley and Ardi. Rosannah, Rachael, MGL and I had dinner at Gowrie Court. While we waited for Rachael, MGL, Rosannah, Christ and I had share our faith experiences at Carolyn’s house.
We watch VCD of Mother Teresa on May 18, 2006. I started to cry when Mother Teresa said that she was destined to be a sister forever but people outside convent also call for her. The movie was paused by seminar about The Steps that to be Taken after APSE by Peter Woods. After that, Therese, MGL sent us by mini bus to Australia National Museum (there were shows about Australia with the chairs that can swing to each presentation place, creating future city with our own pictures that can be seen with 3D glasses), saw the kangaroo from the distance and Government House Look Up. Wawan, Monika, Franky, Ardi, Rosannah, and I had dinner with Andrew Satrapa’s family who used to work in Indonesia.
The mission preparation day was on May 19, 2006 and Peter Woods informed about The Steps after Coming Home. Besides, the chairman of DOJ Australia John Kennedy informed The Beginning of Charismatic Renewal (happened in 1901 in a non-Catholic churches), the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and also The History of DOJ Australia. There were Mass, sharing and writing a message for every member of the sharing group on a piece of paper. We came home earlier for preparation of gala dinner at Southern Cross Club. There were presentations from each country and APSE pictures, thanksgiving for all people who help the APSE 2006, appreciation to each of APSE student based on the habit of each student. I got the appreciation as Pretty in Pink. Karen gave us a rosary. I was at home alone at night since the Brady’s went to Sidney. I decided not to move to another house to appreciate their trust. I also had some activities at week end so practically I was at home alone only at night. I attended the Adoration hour and heard Mass at St. Matthew Church on May 20, 2006 afternoon then Monika and I walked around Hawker Shop. There was the last dinner for APSE students at Daniel’s house.
We had a lunch at Pam Brown’s house in the last day of APSE. Some friends were touched when heard thank you note from another friend. I started to cry when Therese, MGL said that we were called to the mission forever. I thought that my life would never be the same as my life before going to Australia, even though I did not know what it would like. We then went to Narabundah Church to hear the Mission Mass which was said by Fr. Ken, MGL. The APSE students brought forward the gifts. I brought forward the water and batik. I was touched and cried again. The certificate of APSE 2006 was given after the homily and continued by hands laid on by all Mass goers. After that, there was gathering with DOJ members at parish centre. I joined some MGL brothers to take the bread at a bread shop and then delivered it to MGL Garrant convent. We then went to Narabundah church to hear 7 p.m. Mass and then gathered at parish centre.
Wesley and I went to Greyhound station, and accompanied by Therese, MGL; Katherine, MGL; Melanie, MGL and Rosannah on May 22, 2006. Wawan; Ardi; Franky; Hil; Matheus, MGL; Corey, MGL; Jeffery, MGL; Vincent, MGL; James, Fiona, Julie and Andrew Satrapa had been waiting there. Upon arrived Sydney train station, Wawan, Franky, Ardi, Hil and I continued the trip to Blue Mountain with James. We met Christine, James’ cousin who had a mission in Bali in 2005. Costandi picked us up at Springwood station. We ate soup at Costandi’s house and visited St. Colombus’ school, Yellow Rock and Orthodox Monastery, where female visitors did not allow wear trousers so that I wore jacket and scarf to cover my hip. It was very quiet at the Monastery.
The day after, Christine and James sent us to Katoomba. We stopped to take picture in place covered by the ices. In fact, we found snow so we played there. We visited Govett’s Leap, Katoomba which was a coal mine by taking a train and a hanging train. We ate our sandwich prepared by Barbara Bastoli inside the man-made cave, and saw Three Sisters stone. That place was very windy. We heard Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas parish in the evening and had a dinner with young men and women sharing group of DOJ Blue Mountain. As guests, we were asked to share our faith experience.
Wawan, Franky, Ardi, Hil and I went Sydney by train on May 24, 2006. I visited Contemporary Art Museum, Sydney Harbor, Sydney Bridge, Opera House, St. Mary Cathedral and Sydney Tower. We went to Paramatta in the afternoon with Tom Lara by bus and were picked up Epay and Francis at Baulkamhill. Epay cooked meat and noodle which was similar to Indonesian food because both of Tom and Epay Filipino. Costandi and Barbara came to bring our travel bag including my camera which I left at Costandi’s house. Wawan and I were sent to David and Anne Finkel’s house. I used analgesic balm to reduce the fatigue after having a whole day walk.
We sent Hil to airport on May 25, 2006 morning then Tom sent Wawan, Franky, Ardi and I to Circular Quay station to go to Manly by ferry. I left my bag in Tom’s car, fortunately I had taken out my camera and glasses from the bag and could borrow Ardi’s money. We walked around Manly until afternoon, visited Paddy’s Markets and found that the souvenirs, which we bought at a clearance sale shop, were still more expensive. We went home with Tom to Paramatta. Wawan and I had dinner with David, Anne and Sean Finkel.
The day after, Wawan, Tom and I sent Franky and Ardi to the airport then Tom sent Wawan and I to Darling Harbor. I visited National Maritime Museum and Paddy’s Markets. Wawan and I went home to Paramatta by bus and Tom directly sent us to Featherdale Wildlife Park. Eventually, I touched and took picture with kangaroos and koalas.
Tom sent Wawan and I to Sidney airport on May 27, 2006. I met Ardi, who brought some of my baggage, and Tjiang at Denpasar airport. I continued my trip to Surabaya in the afternoon after experiencing one-month live in community, learn and have vacation in Australia.
The weather was cold when I was going out from Sydney airport to look for the bus to Greyhound Canberra terminal because the wind blew quite hard.
Sometimes Canberra was cloudy in the morning, sunny in the afternoon but the wind blew quite hard so that it was so cold. Every night I slept with sweater, hand gloves, socks, some blankets, and the heater. There was a heater inside a room so I did not feel very cold. I had to prepare my sweater, jacket and hand gloves when I was outside, especially in the evening. I brought a big hand-bag for my hand-outs, camera, umbrella, recorder, data cable, charger for mobile phone, socket (because the electric socket in Australia has three holes) and sweater. Although sometimes I was shaken after taking a bath in the morning, I did not sneeze as I used to in Indonesia.
Every time I felt cold during the Adoration hour or when slept at night, I could only believe that Jesus’ authority is bigger than the cold and then I did not feel cold anymore. When we were at Blue Mountain, the weather was the coldest in last six years but I did not sneeze.
One day I felt that the cold stabbed into my bones after walking by wearing sandals. After that, I always wore socks and sport shoes every time I went out.
On the way to school at Narabundah, I saw trees whose leaves started to fell down and sometimes the dead kangaroo on the side road.
My skin dried although I had used lotion twice a day and drank more water. Finally after the second week, I used telon oil every evening. I believed that God’s authority is bigger than the weather and my skin did not dry anymore at the end of the third week.
I used to eat twice rice meal a day but once a week I fast by eating one rice meal a day. I always avoid eating capri nut and boiled potatoes. I will have low blood pressure and headache if I eat less carbohydrate. However, when I was in Australia, I ate rice rarely, but I kept fit and gain weight one kilo. Almost everyday, I woke up at least 07.00 a.m. (it was still 04.00 a.m. in Surabaya) and slept around 23.00 p.m. I used my free time to sleep. I was sometimes sleepy in class but the cold air kept me to stay alert.
I thanked for the meal and considered it as time to fast because non-rice meal was easy to make stomach full, but I would hungry soon, especially in the first week. Once, the meal tasted plain and it was better taste after adding salt and pepper. I like the meal for kids (nugget and French fries) of the last dinner at Southern Cross Club.
I once got headache and in fact, my blood pressure was only 103/67; however, I did not get headache after having dinner. I drank vitamin C, that I brought, everyday in the morning.
I relied on God to strengthen me when the meal was not the meal that I used to eat. In addition, of course the Body of Christ and the Blood of Christ were my strength during APSE (Matthew 8:8b: Just give an order and my boy will be healed)
My first English Mass was the Sunday Palm Mass 2006 at chapel of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta.
I did not know how to participate in the English Mass, so I kept in silence and prayed in tongue when it was the time to respons because I forgot how to respons in Indonesia when all Mass goers responded in English. There was a one year Mass guide book including the prayer and the reading but I often forgot to take it. However, I could be touched and cried during the Mass.
The desire to pray in tongue started when the preface was began. I really experienced that in the Spirit, there was no language barriers.
I never spoke English Catholic terminologies, furthermore, the Australian spoke fast enough. Evangelization mission class and Discipleship class in School of Personal Evangelization of Surabaya Diocese; Life in the Spirit Retreat, Healing Retreat and also Charismatic Gift Retreat at Daughter of Carmel Monastery Tumpang really helped to understand the APSE sessions. I prepared the MP3 recorder but it did not work sometimes so that I kept asking Bonny, MGL to fix it.
I sat down at front line during the lessons or Mass so that I could heard clearly.
When someone asked me what was interesting in Australia, it was quite difficult to answer until I realized the DOJ members’ hospitality. How did they bring the APSE visa application in prayers, all the events that were aimed to feel being at home, the families that provided their rooms in Canberra, Blue Mountain and in Sydney, the dinner and sightseeing invitation to Canberra, Blue Mountain and Sydney. John and Noelene also showed their hospitality by preparing the snacks, the lunch and the dinner at Parish Centre/Outreach Centre Narabundah Church. The hospitality of Ellen, who prepared Mass everyday, MGL sisters (Therese, Melanie, Katherine) who picked up us from house to school at Narabundah Church everyday and MGL brothers from Indonesia (Wens, Matheus, Izak and Vincent) that tried to create such Indonesian condition.
Many thanks for everyone that had helped APSE 2006 in a kind of teachings, prayers, transportations, foods, entertainments, home stay, etc that I can not mention one by one.
As Fr. Chris, MGL had informed to bring all problems to God in prayer, then I realized the power of prayer so that I could attend APSE till the end in peaceful and wholly life although there were many things that were different with my habits. My prayers were answered although I never had experienced a vision or a prophetic word during the Adoration hour. God answered my wishes, when I realized that I could not do it.
When I arrived in Australia, I did not know how would be the APSE, but I asked God that I could go through it well as part of my personal retreat. I had begun the process and ask God finalize it.
My daily 30 minutes silent moment in Indonesia, although I got distraction most of the time, helped me when there was daily Adoration hour, although I ended it less than one hour.
The Mass (Charismatic) Although I could not always understand the reading and the homily, the Mass was the most wanted event especially 7 p.m. charismatic Mass at Narabundah Church. I only heard charismatic Mass when I have a retreat at the Daughter of Carmel Monastery Tumpang or Mass at School of Personal Evangelization.
The distinction with Indonesian church/Mass were its smaller Church, no gong during consecration, drinking from the chalice (there were two ministers on both right and left side, that stand a bit far away from Ciborium so there was not long queue, there was someone received the Holy Communion by kneeling down first, there was someone received the Holy communion directly in mouth, The Holy Communion and the Chalice were given after finishing “the Body of Christ” or “the Blood of Christ” (at first I did not realize why I stood few seconds longer compared when I received the Holy Communion in Indonesia), the Mass was alive, peace greetings by hugging, there were prophetic words from Mass goers after the Holy Communion (must be witnessed by two ministers), spontaneous intercession prayers, lector and prodiacon did not wear uniforms and kept sitting down in pew, there was one altar boy, the choir had less than ten people and sat down at the back.
There was a whole day Adoration hour at Narabundah Church and 7 p.m. Mass was said by several MGL priests.
The Lessons
There were many lessons that I got during APSE besides formal lessons such as: learning to be low profile, learning to service (we were divided in groups with changing duties: cleaning the kitchen after the lunch/dinner, preparing the Mass, leading praise and worship in the morning and also cleaning the Parish Centre/Outreach Centre), learning to obedient to other’s leadership, learning to listen, learning to talk little (see Luke 2:51b: but His mother kept all these things in her heart), learning to be wise, learning the importance of Christian community as the proof of life transformation based on Christian values, learning to de-attach, learning to keep on faith as there is only a light for one step forward and diminish the worry. Of course all of it has to continue in the real world upon coming home from Australia, that would be more difficult because the spirit indeed is eager, but the nature is weak (Mark 14:38)
I curious the reason people did not rest in the Spirit or speak in tongue during Confirmation. According to Costandi, there was a child that could speak in tongue during Confirmation since he knew about Charismatic Gift during preparation of Confirmation. Costandi also said that during the resting in the Spirit,we were conscious on what happened but our body was weak.
I did not feel homesick. With all problems that existed (weather, food and language), made me leaned on God and realized that I could not face the problems and He enabled me to face it, that I did not understand it and He understood. It enabled me to live wholly at that time and there, I felt the experience of God’s love that sets free, when many things that I felt unusual/not being able, in fact, I was able so that I really realized: “So with God nothing is impossible” (Luke 1: 37)
Mojoagung, Hari Raya Hati Kudus Yesus 2006
23 Juni 2006 (translated to English on April 21, 2007)
Linda AB (linda_ab06@yahoo.com)
Stasi St. Aloysius Gonsaga Mojoagung, Paroki St. Yosef Mojokerto - Indonesia
Stasi St. Aloysius Gonsaga Mojoagung, Paroki St. Yosef Mojokerto - Indonesia
P.S. Artikel ini juga dimuat di:
1. Tabloid Jubileum Keuskupan Surabaya no. 77&78 , Tahun VII, Agustus 2006
2. Berita Umat Paroki Katedral Bogor, Edisi No. 10-12, XL, Oktober-Desember 2006
3. Warta Shekinah. November-Des 2006
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